Chapter 541
"Welcome to Your Majesty the Goddess."

Ye Qianyue opened her eyes, and there was a strange environment in front of her eyes.

The solemn and solemn hall looks like a church in ancient Western Europe, full of mysterious and sacred atmosphere in its gorgeous elegance.

She and Yunina were standing in front of a stone platform, but this stone platform should be the stone platform of the temple headquarters.

A girl with the appearance of a female officer folded her hands in front of her chest, stood respectfully opposite them, and looked at them with a smile.

"A Si, long time no see." Younina greeted the female officer with a smile, her usual arrogance was gone, and a little flattering was added.

This female officer is the high priest's personal female officer, Ah Si. Although she is only a female officer, she is the closest to the high priest and the person whom the high priest trusts the most. It is no wonder that Younina dare not put on airs in front of her.

"Your Highness Goddess, is this the newly promoted Elder Ye?" Asi asked Ye Qianyue with a graceful smile still on his delicate face.

A trace of surprise flashed across the clear eyes, Ah Si did not expect Ye Qianyue to have such strong strength at such a young age, I am afraid that she is the youngest elder since the establishment of the temple.

"Yes, Qianyue, A Si is the personal maid beside the high priest." Yunina said to Ye Qianyue.

"Ms. Ah Si, this is the first time we meet, please give me your advice." Ye Qianyue said with a calm and humble attitude with a faint smile on her lips.

Ah Si nodded with a smile, and immediately said, "The high priest is already waiting in the front hall, please come with me, both of you."

"Then Lao Si will lead the way." Younina said with a smile, and followed behind Ah Si with Ye Qianyue.

The temple headquarters is much larger than the temple branch. This temple headquarters is on a small island owned by a temple, and this small island is located on the Lingyun Continent instead of the Canghe Continent below. There is a special magnetic field interference around, unless it is a very powerful person, otherwise, even if you know the location of the temple, you will not be able to reach it due to the interference of the magnetic field.

The entire temple headquarters is like a huge maze, and the guards are quite strict. It has to be said that Ye Qianyue once again felt that her strength was not enough.

Sure enough, as Si Linyuan said, danger is everywhere here.

Here is a small guard whose strength is at the peak of Nianzong.

As for the female officer named A Si, Ye Qianyue discovered that her strength had reached the elementary level of Nian Zun!

One can imagine what realm the high-level strength in this temple will reach!
Her black eyes sank slightly, and Ye Qianyue showed no sign of flinching in her heart. The soldiers came to cover her with water and earth. Since she came, she would never return empty-handed.

Walking through long corridors one after another, the three of Ye Qianyue finally arrived at the front hall of the reception room.

Opening the door of the front hall, Ye Qianyue and Younina walked in slowly following A Si.

According to a perverted rule of the temple headquarters, you can't make a sound when you walk, otherwise it is disrespectful to the gods, so everything here is quiet and a bit weird.

Different from the branch of the temple, this place is dominated by white. In the bright and spacious front hall, a middle-aged man in a white robe sits on a white jade throne above the high steps.

A white robe covered the entire body and hung down to the ankles. The long black hair was neatly tied up with a jade crown. The face of the high priest was covered with a half silver mask, covering half of the face. Showing a firm chin and moderately thick lips, a pair of dark eyes full of vicissitudes and compassion, looking at Younina and Ye Qianyue.

(End of this chapter)

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