Chapter 547 Snow White Figure

"If I want to use my spiritual power to erase these imprints, it is indeed not an easy task, but as long as I can use my spiritual power to block the connection between these imprints and their masters, and then directly destroy these imprints , then all problems will be solved.”

A confident smile appeared on her face, and Ye Qianyue's eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's appearance of having already made up her mind, Hua Bao became more confident, "Then how does mother plan to destroy the spiritual imprint?"

"Use this." Ye Qianyue snapped her fingers lightly as she said.

The dazzling phoenix soul fire suddenly appeared in Ye Qianyue's hands, which immediately raised the temperature between the world and the earth a lot.

Without wasting time right now, Ye Qianyue quickly mobilized the spiritual power between her eyebrows while holding the Phoenix Soul Fire.

The silver-white spiritual power was like a sharp blade, instantly cutting the connection between the spiritual imprint and the owner of the imprint. Immediately afterwards, the phoenix soul fire that could burn everything into nothingness swept out, instantly destroying that sturdy The spiritual imprint was burned into nothingness.

The smile on the corner of her mouth deepened, and Ye Qianyue's speed became faster and faster.

In less than 10 minutes, Ye Qianyue had perfectly removed all the spiritual imprints without disturbing the owners of these imprints at all.

The corners of the bright red lips evoked a smile uncontrollably, Ye Qianyue knew that all of this was due to her getting the Phoenix Soul Fire, otherwise, she might have to work hard this time.

With Huabao's ability to activate, the vines covering the secret door immediately shrank back obediently as if seeing a king, revealing the dark secret door.

Not daring to be careless, Ye Qianyue carefully opened the secret door.

At that moment, a bottomless long staircase leading directly to the ground appeared in front of Ye Qianyue.

The quaint fiery breath rushed towards the face, and the terrible temperature almost burned people's skin. Faced with such a terrible temperature, Ye Qianyue did not dare to be careless, and immediately used the Phoenix Soul Fire to build a thick barrier to protect Following himself and Huabao, they cautiously entered the secret door.

The secret door was then closed, but the surrounding guards were still lying on the ground in a dazed state, completely unaware that Ye Qianyue had entered the most strictly forbidden area of ​​the temple.

And just after Ye Qianyue entered the secret door, a snow-white figure slowly walked out of the woods on one side, his sinister eyes were placed on the position of the secret door, and the corners of his lips quickly raised a smile. The cold and murderous sneer...


Here, Ye Qianyue was extremely fast, her dark eyes were full of vigilance, and she was always on guard against everything around her.

The stairs leading all the way to the ground are not narrow, but wider and wider!

The silver-white spiritual power was detected, and Ye Qianyue easily detected the dangerous organs hidden around, and then avoided them one by one effortlessly.

And as Ye Qianyue got deeper and deeper, the temperature of the surrounding air became higher and higher, and even the surrounding walls were baked a distorted fiery red.

Feeling the fiery breath, Ye Qianyue thought to herself that it's a good thing she has the Phoenix Soul Fire Body Protection, otherwise, she wouldn't even be able to get here...

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and her steps became faster and faster.

(End of this chapter)

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