Chapter 548 is enough to kill

Finally, with the sudden enlightenment of sight, a huge space also appeared in front of Ye Qianyue.

At the same time as the sight suddenly opened up, the blazing fire waves rushed towards the face, accompanied by a trembling poison of fire, which made Ye Qianyue's brows frown involuntarily.

Standing on the edge of the stone wall, Ye Qianyue stood on the edge of the stone wall. The gravel under her feet rolled down and fell into the huge hot magma pool below, and was burned into nothingness in an instant...

The fiery red magma glowed a heart-shattering black, and the fiery heat almost burned Ye Qianyue's eyes, causing her to slightly squint her eyes.

In front of Ye Qianyue was a huge magma pool.

In the fiery red magma with a bit of golden yellow, the dark fire poison condensed into blocks, and with the hot temperature of the magma, it was gradually sublimated into fire poison smoke, spreading throughout the entire space.

Not to mention the terrible magma below, but the thick fire poison floating in the air is enough to kill.

It's just that, although this fire poison is terrible, it is nothing to Ye Qianyue who has the body of Phoenix Soul Fire.

Immediately turning her eyes, Ye Qianyue saw the fire dragon crystal in the center of the magma pool at a glance! !

The huge stone platform floats steadily in the void relying on eight precious pumice stones. The dark red fire dragon crystal is half the size of a fist. Among the diamond-shaped crystals, a golden long dragon is constantly flowing in it. Between the rolling and majestic, there were bursts of thunderous dragon cries.

"It's the Fire Dragon Crystal!" Finally found it!After taking such a long time, Ye Qianyue finally found the Fire Dragon Crystal, and there was uncontrollable excitement in her eyes!
Stepping through the void, Ye Qianyue was extremely fast, almost instantly arriving in front of the Fire Dragon Crystal.

As if sensing a dangerous atmosphere, a burst of dazzling flames burst out from around the Fire Dragon Crystal. Two gilded long dragons hovered dark red, and the flames of the Fire Dragon Crystal were equally hot.

Naturally, she wouldn't be so stupid as to reach for the Fire Dragon Crystal directly. Ye Qianyue thought about it, and then quickly activated the Phoenix Soul Fire in her body.

I saw the fiery red and golden Phoenix Soul Fire beating like a living thing in Ye Qianyue's palm, and then quickly condensed into a box made of flames.

Not in a hurry to put the Fire Dragon Crystal into the flame box, Ye Qianyue first took out the liquid that Si Linyuan had given her earlier.

Protecting her palm with the Phoenix Soul Fire, Ye Qianyue pulled the Fire Dragon Crystal and threw it into the liquid.

There was a little light in the liquid at the moment, and then at the speed visible to Ye Qianyue's naked eyes, it was quickly distorted into a spar that was exactly the same as the Fire Dragon Crystal.

Looking at the perfect fake, Ye Qianyue almost couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes!
He almost couldn't wait to open the lid of the flame box, and a faint suction came from it, and the fire dragon crystal was put into it.

Only the Phoenix Soul Fire, which is also a wonder of heaven and earth, can hold back the Fire Dragon Crystal.

Gently closing the box, Ye Qianyue's eyes were shining brightly, and there was an unstoppable excitement beating in them!
finally!After lurking in the temple for so long, she finally got the Dragon Crystal!

As long as he has the fire dragon crystal, Si Linyuan can get rid of the dark demon and live a life that a normal person should have!
(End of this chapter)

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