Chapter 571
Just smiled gently, Gu Rong looked at Ye Rongtian, "Master Ye Guogong, I also want to go to the palace with you to meet His Majesty, I don't know if it is convenient."

"Naturally it's convenient, Master Gu please." Gu Rong's alchemy technique is very powerful, Ye Rongtian also knows this, with his help, the matter must be resolved faster.

"Xiao'er, Li'er, you stay here and take good care of your mother." When Mrs. Ye was mentioned, Ye Rongtian's eyes suddenly showed a deep distress.

"Yes, don't worry, dad." Ye Yunxiao and Ye Jingli nodded in unison.

As for Mingxiu, his figure flashed, and he turned into that cute black cat in an instant, and jumped onto Ye Qianyue's shoulder, "I'll go with you."

Everyone didn't expect that Xiao Hei would turn out to be such a handsome man when he grew up, and they were all stunned.

"Let's go." Saying that, Ye Qianyue and the others left Ye Kingdom's mansion and boarded the carriage to the palace.

Because of the plague, there were not many people on the streets of the imperial capital, and they looked empty, without the bustle of the past.

Ye Qianyue could feel a trace of death floating in the air, and Ye Qianyue frowned deeply.

Soon after entering the palace, Ye Qianyue and others successfully met Xuanyuan Ming, His Majesty of the Empire on which the sun never sets.

Obviously worried too much, Xuanyuan Ming seemed to have aged a lot, his face was full of deep tiredness.

"See Your Majesty." Ye Guogong and the three bowed their hands to Xuanyuan Ming very politely, while the old god of meditation was sitting on Ye Qianyue's shoulder.

The king of mankind has nothing to do with him.

"Guo Gong, Master Gu and Miss Ye are also invited." Xuanyuan Ming knew that Gu Rong and Ye Qianyue were alchemists, and his tone was very kind.

A pharmacist cannot be offended, let alone a pharmacist is hard to find now that the plague is spreading.

"The three Dukes of the State came, but because of the plague?" Xuanyuan Ming said, looking at Ye Qianyue with a faint light of expectation.

Gurong and Nanfeng are already helping the empire on which the sun never sets, and it would be even better if Ye Qianyue was also willing to help.

"Yes, Your Majesty, my daughter has a lot of research in refining medicine. If possible, my daughter would like to help your majesty." Ye Qianyue said with a cold face.

"Miss Ye is very polite, I am very grateful that Miss can come to help." With a long sigh, Xuanyuan Ming's brows and eyes were filled with heavy fatigue, "To tell you the truth, I just received the news this morning that the entire continent The plague is spreading more and more fiercely, and the number of people who die every day is astonishingly large. Moreover, so far, except for some very powerful alchemists, no one can force out the death in the human body of the plague. angry."

"It's not just a matter of death, the real cause of the plague comes from those Gu worms that can kill people." Ye Qianyue saw Xuanyuan Ming's puzzled face, and immediately told Xuanyuan Ming about the Gu worms .

"There is such a thing!" Xuanyuan Ming was shocked, and then there was a little admiration in his eyes, "Miss Ye is really amazing, she even knows these things. Then, Miss, is there any way to solve it? Is it?"

"Not yet." Seeing Xuanyuan Ming's stunned look, Ye Qianyue immediately said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, although there is no way out yet, my daughter has tried to control her mother's illness. , Presumably the same method is also effective on other infected people."

(End of this chapter)

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