Chapter 572 I Really Miss You!

"Madame Guo is also infected?" His eyes widened in surprise, Xuanyuan Ming looked at Ye Rongtian with an unbearable expression, and he understood everything, and comforted him, "Duke, please be relieved. With Miss Ye and the two masters here, Madam will recover."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern." Ye Rongtian thought of Mrs. Ye still being tortured by that damned Gu worm, deep sadness appeared in Ye Rongtian's eyes.

"Dad, don't worry, I won't let my mother have anything to do. Teacher Nanfeng will be back soon. The two teachers and I will definitely come up with a solution." There was firmness in the dark eyes. The light, Ye Qianyue's eyes were like a torch, Ye Rongtian couldn't help but be infected by her, and nodded hastily.

"In this case, Miss Ye and the two masters can go to the outskirts of the imperial capital to have a look. The condition is the most serious there." I can't wait to let Ye Qianyue and the others go to the outskirts of the city. As a king, Xuanyuan Ming naturally hopes for the plague Things will be resolved sooner.

Hastily asked his subordinates to present a jade token to Ye Qianyue, Xuanyuan Ming said hastily, "The outskirts of the city have become a blockade for the infected, this jade token can help Miss Ye freely come and go, and I hope Miss Ye Take it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, and my daughter will leave." Now that she had a general understanding of the situation, Ye Qianyue didn't want to waste any more time here, so she left immediately.

"Please Miss Ye and the two masters must work hard for the many people on the mainland. In this regard, there is nothing I can do to help, but as long as there are medicinal materials that Miss Ye and the two masters can use, the few can Use the jade token to go to the treasury to get it at any time, if it is not enough, I will try my best to find it."

Seeing that the anxiety in Xuanyuan Ming's eyes was not fake, Ye Qianyue immediately thanked, "Thank you Your Majesty, I will do it myself and resolve it as soon as possible."

I don't know why, but Xuanyuanming, who was extremely nervous in his heart, immediately let go of Ye Qianyue's assurance after hearing Ye Qianyue's assurance, "Come here, it's good to send the Duke and the others out."

Leaving the palace, the three of Ye Qianyue came out of the palace gate, and a figure with a bit of excitement rushed towards Ye Qianyue quickly, and shouted loudly, "Good boy, As a teacher, I really want to kill you!"

Ye Qianyue immediately recognized who he was with the old unscrupulous voice and the movement of the man hugging her.

"Teacher, when will you get rid of your habit of hugging when you meet?" Nan Feng almost broke his neck, Ye Qianyue pushed him away hastily, and said helplessly.

"I want to see you~" The boss is not young, Nan Feng pretended to be coquettish and said this, but Ye Qianyue frowned in disgust, "You little bastard, you are as uncute as ever!"

Knowing that Nanfeng would be angry if she didn't comfort her, Ye Qianyue said immediately, "Okay, I want to see the teacher too. By the way, teacher, didn't you go out to investigate the plague? What happened?"

Seeing Ye Qianyue's fiery look, Nanfeng knew that Ye Qianyue's return this time must be related to the damn plague, so he stopped playing tricks and said seriously, "Old man The result of the investigation is naturally that these things have something to do with the death aura of the Dark Pavilion. I have fought with the people under the Dark Demon before. I will never admit to the disgusting death aura! As for the treatment method, the old man I searched for a lot of medicinal materials specially, and found that some medicinal materials with bright energy can dissolve most of the dead energy, but after a period of time, the small part of dead energy remaining in the body will give birth to more dead energy, obviously there is no Radical."

(End of this chapter)

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