Chapter 573 Can't Be Calm
After hearing what Nan Feng said, Ye Qianyue frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought.

Indeed, those medicinal materials of the light system are palliative but not the root cause for the dead energy. If you want to completely expel the dead energy from the human body, pure power is the most important thing. After all, Huabao uses pure power Completely expelled the dead energy in Madam Ye's body.

"I have a way to refine a potion that can completely eliminate the dead energy, but if I want to completely end this plague, I still have to find the Gu King." After a while, Ye Qianyue said.

His eyes lit up immediately, and Nanfeng looked at Ye Qianyue with difficulty concealing his excitement, "My dear disciple, I know you must have a way! Since this is the case, we should go to the outskirts of the city to have a look first, and then Let's start refining the potion."

Ye Qianyue nodded, and the group set off from the imperial palace in a mighty manner, heading towards the outskirts of the city.

The originally bustling imperial capital has now become very cold, the streets are desolate and quiet, the wind blows the yellow leaves that fall to the ground, the doors of every house are closed, and occasionally a few passers-by in a hurry pass by.

A large prison was temporarily built on the outskirts of the city, and all the infected were locked in that prison.

Because people who are infected with the plague and lose their mind will keep attacking others, and those who are attacked will also be infected with the plague, so it can be said to be extremely dangerous.

The large pile of solid stones is as solid as gold, and the entire prison is shrouded in a deadly gray mist. The guards around the prison are all strong men sent by various forces. Before entering the prison, Ye Qianyue and others felt something A disgusting dead breath.

Looking at the six guards standing at the door, Ye Qianyue found that their mental state was a little bit depressed, all of them had dark circles in their eyes, and a dead gray glow between their brows, which seemed to have been eroded by death.

With so many infected people gathered in one place, the death energy emanating from each person has a considerable influence, and it is no wonder that these guardians stay here all day long, so they are not corroded.

Holding the token, Ye Qianyue and the others entered the prison without any hindrance.

living hell.

This was the first reaction when Ye Qianyue and others saw the scene in the prison.

The smell of death and blood in the air alone is enough to make people feel hellish and desperate.

Each small cell is only one meter wide and two meters long, and can only hold one plague-infected person at most.

People who have been completely infected by the plague seem to have a desire for blood from the bottom of their bones. They are locked up and cannot attack others, so they will abuse themselves. Hands beating his head.

Some people's limbs have become crippled, and they should have died, but they are dominated by the Gu worms in their bodies, and they are still mistreating themselves.

Monster-like roars came from the mouths of those infected, harsh and unpleasant.

Ye Qianyue and others walked slowly in the narrow corridor in front of the prison. When the infected saw someone coming in, they all grabbed the door and stretched out their hands from the gap in the iron door, as if they wanted to grab someone. them.

Rao is iron and blood like a thousand moons in the night. Seeing this scene, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Just because she is iron doesn't mean she is inhuman. Seeing so many innocent people being tortured so inhumanly, she can't be indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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