Chapter 606 Come and Talk

"I'm late..." After hearing what Ye Qianfeng said, Ye Qianyue's throat choked up, she gritted her teeth and suppressed the tears that were about to burst into her eyes, and said seriously, "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely not Let you have something to do!"

Seeing Ye Qianyue's determined face, Ye Qianfeng nodded with a smile, and then fell into a coma because she was too weak.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue did not panic, but administered various medicines to Ye Qianfeng, which saved his life and temporarily repaired the broken meridians in his body.

Alchemy has been practiced to the point of proficiency, but the repair of meridians is a major event after all. Even Ye Qianyue needs a long time to heal such a serious injury.

After checking Ye Qianfeng's weak pulse that was almost disappearing, Ye Qianyue felt the serious injury in Ye Qianfeng's body, and almost couldn't restrain the sadness in her heart.

The injury on Ye Qianfeng's body is really too serious. It can even be said that it is not easy for him to carry such a serious injury until now.

And Ye Qianyue took the best and mildest medicine for Ye Qianfeng, and healed Ye Qianfeng's flesh wounds first.

Then he connected the broken bones of Ye Qianfeng's hands and feet, and Ye Qianyue began to deal with Ye Qianfeng's broken meridians...

And Ye Qianyue has been busy for a long time, she has no thoughts at all, and she is not aware of the situation outside.

After killing all the people in the dark pavilion, Shi Qi and Mingxiu released the other members of the locked up Nine Star Sect.

They were all very grateful to Mingxiu and Killing Qi. After the Nine Stars Sect expressed their thanks in a hurry, they quickly took out the potion refined by Master Qianhuo and healed the sect master's injuries.

Gu Zhenhai, the suzerain of the Nine Star Sect, was very worried about Ye Qianfeng's safety, and even ordered someone to take out their Nine Star Sect's precious resurrection potion and give it to Ye Qianfeng without mercy.

The resurrection potion, that is a nearly invincible potion, this potion can bring people back to life, even if the meridian is completely broken, it can be cured.

This is the most precious potion in the Nine Star Sect, but like Gu Zhenhai, everyone in the Nine Star Sect knows that Ye Qianfeng deserves it.

This time, if Ye Qianfeng hadn't desperately protected Mu Qianhuang to leave and invited Ye Qianyue and the others, I'm afraid they would all be dead today!

Such a good thing was naturally to be accepted, and Mingxiu quickly gave the potion to Ye Qianyue.

With the potion, Ye Qianfeng's fatal injury was quickly healed. Although it will take some time to restore the meridians, it will not affect the subsequent cultivation.

The consumption was too great. Although Ye Qianfeng was no longer in danger of his life, he was always in a coma.

Knowing that this is normal, Ye Qianyue also knows that sleep is the best medicine, and it takes time to absorb the resurrection potion.

And after Ye Qianyue healed Ye Qianfeng, Gu Zhenhai personally invited her to come and talk.

It happened that she also wanted to ask Gu Zhenhai about something, so Ye Qianyue went there without hesitation.

Walking into the flower hall where distinguished guests were received, Ye Qianyue immediately saw the old man with white beard and hair but full of energy.

Gu Zhenhai, as the suzerain of the Nine Star Sect, is now an intermediate-level strong man of reciting the Holy Spirit.

As for before, if it wasn't for the joint attack of the Four Saints and the Five Saints, with Gu Zhenhai's strength, he would not be easily subdued.

(End of this chapter)

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