Chapter 607 An Even Scarier Place
In addition, Gu Zhenhai has always been an upright person, and he is Ye Qianfeng's only teacher, so it can be said that he values ​​and loves Ye Qianfeng very much.

And since Gu Zhenhai gave the resurrection potion without hesitation, he could know that the rumors were true.

"Hello, Sovereign." Facing such a strong man, Ye Qianyue sincerely admired her, and was about to bow her hands in salute, but was stopped by Gu Zhenhai.

"Miss Ye, you are welcome. This time, my Nine Star Sect was able to tide over the difficulties smoothly, thanks to the help of Miss. Here, Gu sincerely thanks Miss." Said, Gu Zhenhai was very serious, facing Ye Qianyue He bowed deeply.

Completely frightened by Gu Zhenhai's humility, Ye Qianyue hastily stopped him, "Senior Gu really frustrates me, I dare not be a junior."

Hearing this, Gu Zhenhai straightened up, looked at Ye Qianyue, and asked anxiously, "Miss Ye, how is Qian Feng's situation?"

"Brother is fine, but he still needs to rest well. I will leave here soon, so I have to trouble the suzerain a lot with my brother's affairs."

"I have always regarded Qianfeng as my own child, and I will take good care of it. Please rest assured, Miss Ye." Gu Zhenhai mentioned that Ye Qianfeng was injured, and his eyes were full of self-blame and worry.

"Since the suzerain is the elder brother's teacher, then you don't have to be so polite, just call me Qianyue." Knowing that Gu Zhenhai is really good to Ye Qianfeng, Ye Qianyue naturally doesn't mind building a good relationship with him.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's neither arrogant nor impatient, Gu Zhenhai's eyes showed a little more appreciation, and then asked, "Miss Qianyue said that she will go out next, but where is she going?"

"Nowadays the plague is rampant, and our investigation office is the work of the dark pavilion. As for the epidemic, I have joined hands with my two teachers to suppress it, but if we want to cure it, we must find the Gu king hiding in the Black Wind Valley, otherwise, Everything is still in vain."

"What, Black Wind Valley?!" Hearing the words 'Black Wind Valley', Gu Zhenhai was immediately surprised.

He has also heard that Ye Qianyue has developed a healing potion, and he admires Ye Qianyue's ability at such a young age, but he never imagined that Ye Qianyue would actually go to the Black Wind Valley!

Seeing Gu Zhenhai's surprised appearance, Ye Qianyue couldn't help frowning, "Why did the suzerain react like this? Is there something wrong with this Black Wind Valley?"

"It's not that there's anything wrong, but this place is too dangerous!" His expression became serious, Gu Zhenhai seemed to have thought of something terrible, and a look of panic appeared in his eyes.

Seeing Gu Zhenhai's expression like this, Ye Qianyue was a little surprised.

What kind of scary place is that Black Wind Valley that can scare a mid-level chanting saint?

Seeing Ye Qianyue looking at him puzzledly, Gu Zhenhai explained solemnly, "Miss Qianyue doesn't know that this Black Wind Valley is called the Valley of Death, and this place is even more beautiful than the ancient ruins. An even scarier place!"

"There is such a terrifying place on the Canghe Continent?" Ye Qianyue asked with a frown as it was the first time she heard about it.

"Different from the ancient relics, Black Wind Valley is a place that only the big forces know about. No one knows how it appeared. Everyone only knows that there are countless treasures inside, and there are many strong people who died in Black Wind Valley. .”

(End of this chapter)

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