The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 608 I've Been Waiting For You For A Long Time

Chapter 608 I've Been Waiting For You For A Long Time
"Moreover, the Black Wind Valley is not only dangerous, but the space in it is even more intricate and very fragile, and it is easy to fall into the gaps in the space. Although most of the time it will return to its original position after a period of time, but the space The gaps are different, sometimes it is a paradise, but more of it is a purgatory that is even more terrifying than the Black Wind Valley. Once a person falls into it, even if it is teleported out instantly, it cannot survive. Those who are controlled, even those who read the Holy Spirit, cannot reverse the space, they can only wait for the time to come, and the space will directly send people back."

Finally knowing why Gu Zhenhai is so afraid of the Black Wind Valley, Ye Qianyue also understands how terrifying the space gap is, "Then how long does it usually take to be teleported out after falling into the space gap? "

"This is all random. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes, and sometimes it takes days, months, or even... years." When Gu Zhenhai said this, the expression on his face became more serious, " Miss Qianyue, Black Wind Valley is really a very dangerous place, I hope Miss can think carefully about it."

After hearing Gu Zhenhai's words, Ye Qianyue frowned slightly, "Everyone in the world is controlled by the dark pavilion. Since I know where the Gu King is, I must go there."

"Since Miss Qianyue has already made up her mind, I can't say anything more. There may be something that Miss can use in the warehouse of our Nine Star Sect. If Miss finds something, she can pick it up herself." , Gu Zhenhai looked at Ye Qianyue seriously, "This is a little wish from me, please don't refuse, miss."

This is what Gu Zhenhai said, and Ye Qianyue couldn't refuse any more, so she nodded and agreed.

After bidding farewell to Gu Zhenhai, Ye Qianyue saw Mingxiu just after she left the flower hall.

The dark long gown is very suitable for the cool temperament of meditation. Ye Qianyue saw that there were many beautiful and lovely female disciples around her, all of them were full of young girls' ignorant thoughts, and then they blushed and watched the meditation.

However, before these girls came forward to strike up a conversation, Mingxiu glanced over with an incomparably cold look, and the cold people almost trembled.

The cold eyes contained no emotion at all, and the hearts of the girls who looked at them were broken. In the end, they didn't dare to approach them to make fun of themselves, and they walked away silently one by one.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing.

Hearing Ye Qianyue's laughter, Mingxiu suddenly raised his face and looked at her, with a smile on the corners of his lips, those golden noble eyes followed closely.

Star-like dazzling lights danced in his eyes, and Meditation walked up to Ye Qianyue in three steps and two steps, with a gentle smile on his face, "Ah Yue, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing Mingxiu's completely different attitude towards herself and other women, Ye Qianyue fell silent.

"Ah Yue, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Ye Qianyue's silence in perplexity, Mingxiu was a little worried, "Are you too tired? Otherwise, go and rest for a while."

"No need, I'm fine." Knowing what Mingxiu thought about her, from Ye Qianyue's standpoint, she couldn't say anything, so she had to say nothing.

"Just now, Sect Master Gu told me about the Black Wind Valley." Speaking directly about the next plan, Ye Qianyue told Mingxiu about the dangers of the Black Wind Valley.

 Please recommend tickets and monthly tickets~~~ Tickets will be more powerful, dear friends! !

(End of this chapter)

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