Chapter 609 Don't waste time
"I used to occasionally read about the Black Wind Valley in the ancient books in my scepter space, but even in the ancient books, there are not many records about the Black Wind Valley. I just briefly talked about the history of this place. The location, so I heard the words of Venerable Yantian at that time, so I felt that this place was a little familiar." Ye Qianyue said, looking at Mingxiu, "Mingxiu, this place is far more dangerous than the ancient ruins... "

"As I said, no matter where you go, I will follow you." Mingxiu smiled softly before Ye Qianyue finished asking, and then said softly.

Seeing Mingxiu's firm expression, Ye Qianyue nodded immediately, "Then let's go there quickly, it's best not to waste any more time."

Naturally, he would not have any opinions, and Mingxiu nodded immediately.

Before leaving, Ye Qianyue and Ming Xiu made a special trip to the warehouse of the Nine Star Sect.

Now that Gu Zhenhai had said it all, Ye Qianyue naturally couldn't shirk it.

It's just that, because of the attack from the dark pavilion, the Nine Stars School was also severely injured, so Ye Qianyue only managed to save face, took a few things at random, and then didn't continue.

After taking a few treasures, Ye Qianyue and Mingxiu quickly headed towards the direction of the Black Wind Valley given by Gu Zhenhai.

It didn't take too long along the way, Ye Qianyue and Mingxiu arrived at the Black Wind Valley at the edge of the Canghe Continent after three days.

Black Wind Valley, this is a real place of death, even the people of the major forces dare not move the minds of the treasures in it, which shows how terrifying this place is.

Really without any vitality, the entire Black Wind Valley presents a pitch black color, whether it is the ground, dead wood, or even the sky, it is all a gloomy color.

It was not the usual pitch black, but the spread of dead air, that heavy and solidified dead air gradually spread out, and countless dry trees were like a pair of big palms, full of fear and ferocity, which made people see at a glance. In the past, I couldn't help but feel the creeps.

A strong dead air rushed towards the face, almost pungent, and the turbid heaviness made both Ye Qianyue and Ye Qianyue feel very unhappy.

This is not pure dead air, but also contains a trace of thick miasma.

Miasma gas is also deadly, and when mixed with death gas, these two things alone are enough to make most of the strong on the mainland retreat.

"No wonder I have to go to the Black Wind Valley to cultivate Gu worms. I am afraid that only in the Black Wind Valley on this entire continent can have such a terrible death energy..." Ye Qianyue quickly took out the previous refinement. The potion that was made to treat the plague, and gave it to meditation, "Drink it, it has a certain power of purification, which can resist the dead air here."

The potion given by Ye Qianyue, the meditator naturally would not hesitate, and immediately swallowed it with a 'gulp' as soon as he raised his head.

"Let's go." As she said, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes glowed with calm wisdom, and she tapped the ground with her toes.

The speed was extremely fast, and the phoenix soul fire around Ye Qianyue rushed out as if spinning, quickly burning up the miasma and dead air in the surrounding air.

The dead air and miasma shrouded the entire Black Wind Valley like a mist. After Ye Qianyue and the two rushed into the Black Wind Valley, they knew where the deadly miasma came from.

(End of this chapter)

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