The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 610 Of course I won't let it go

Chapter 610 Of course I won't let it go

The Black Wind Valley is full of huge swamps that can make people sink deeply.

Green vines hang over the dark dead wood, and those swamps look no different from ordinary ground, but as long as one accidentally falls into it, ordinary strong people can't escape at all.

Not to mention, after Ye Qianyue used her powerful spiritual power, she still felt the existence of some small things in the swamp...

"Chi Chi Chi——" Bats screamed like screams, which were extremely ear-piercing and made one's heart tremble.

"It's a group of bloodthirsty bat beasts. I can feel their breath." Mingxiu is the king of all beasts, and immediately felt those unpleasant monsters rushing towards them.

"Bloodthirsty bat beast? There is such a tricky thing here..." The bloodthirsty bat beast is a kind of highly poisonous monster that lives in groups. It is extremely bloodthirsty. Being bitten by them is no joke of.

Hearing the sound of bloodthirsty bats getting closer, Ye Qianyue thought for a while, and then a charming smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "Come on, let's go down a little, to the top of the swamp. "

"Little girl, there are some inauspicious things under that swamp, you should be careful." At this time, Shi Qi faintly got out of the space, with tears still standing in the corners of his eyes, it was obvious that he had just woken up.

"What I'm looking for is those things, let's go, I know what's in my mind." Ye Qianyue seemed to think of something, with a perfect and confident smile on her face, those dark eyes were shining like black pearls luster.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue had said so, both Mingxiu and Shiqi followed her and quickly went down.

A layer of pitch-black dead air rolled faintly on the dark green swamp. Bubbles bubbled out of the thick mud, and when the bubbles burst, traces of light gray miasma floated out.

Stopping not an inch away from the surface of the swamp, the three of Ye Qianyue all rose into the air.

Feeling the dense and terrifying atmosphere below the swamp swarming towards them, Ye Qianyue raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction, and then watched the bloodthirsty bat beasts all over the sky come over them.

The ear-piercing screams of 'chirp chirp' came continuously, and the bloodthirsty bat beasts seemed to be born of blood one by one, with all kinds of bloodstains all over their bodies, big and small, and the whole body showed a strange look. dark red color.

The slender fangs showed bursts of heart-shattering coldness. From a distance, they looked like sharp nails. If you were bitten by this thing, no one would feel bad if you let it go!
"Ji——!" Looking at Ye Qianyue and Mingxiu, the bloodthirsty bat swarm that had always been crazy even ignored the coercion around Mingxiu, and bit them madly.

Meditation is a powerful beast-level monster. What these bloodthirsty bat beasts like most is to absorb the energy of other monsters, and then use it to strengthen their own energy. To put it bluntly, these bloodthirsty bats are really a very terrifying of Warcraft.

Therefore, they are naturally not afraid of the coercion of the blood on Mingxiu's body, but rather like it very much, wishing to directly suck up all the blood on Mingxiu's body.

(End of this chapter)

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