Chapter 613 Since You Want to Go

"Hahahaha, little reptile, die!" Killing Qi had a ferocious killing intent on his face, he raised his hand and waved heavily as he said this!
The pale golden spiritual power quickly condensed into a pair of big hands, and directly grabbed the giant spider!

The big hand is formed by the condensed power of the spirit. The giant spider can't see it. It can only feel a terrible breath like Mount Tai pressing down, pinching its entire body tightly!
Squeaking and screaming in panic, the giant spider struggled frantically, but it didn't expect that instead of breaking free, it caused a sharp pain in its head!
The sharp pain caused the giant spider to scream, and its figure twisted and moved even more violently!

Where would there be a chance for the giant spider to escape, Shi Qi frowned, and quickly detected the location of the giant spider demon core.

Without even thinking about it, he slapped his big hand, and Shi Qi clenched his palm tightly.

In complete synchronization with Killing Seven's palms, the two big hands holding the giant spider also tightened accordingly, and the invisible huge pressure shook the surrounding space with bursts of dark space cracks.

As the big hands tightened, the sharp screams of the giant spider became more and more ear-piercing!
"Go!" However, at this moment, Killing Seven suddenly burst out a spiritual force like a sharp sword, which directly penetrated the twisted body of the giant spider.

After hearing a sharp and unwilling roar from the giant spider, a magic core containing dark power shot out along with it.

The giant spider without the magic core immediately twitched its spider legs feebly, and then quickly lost its vitality.

"It's not too challenging." Raising his hand to pick up the magic core on the side, Killing Qi said with some disappointment as if he hadn't enjoyed the game yet.

"What are you afraid of, the road ahead is still long, you won't be lonely." Ye Qianyue smiled and burned all the spider silk around her, and took over the magic core thrown by Shi Qi.

Meditation also had a golden light flashing all over his body, and he easily untied the spider threads around him.

He didn't speak, and his meditation eyes fell on a small hill on one side, and the golden noble eyes seemed to be filled with a little bit of incomprehension.

Immediately aware of the abnormality of meditation, Ye Qianyue asked, "Mingxiu, what's wrong with you?"

"I always feel that there is a burst of mysterious energy over there, which makes me a little curious..." Mingxiu thought about it, and then said seriously, "Ah Yue, we should go over there and take a look."

"Could it be some powerful magical beast that makes you feel so serious? Think about it and see if we can beat it." Saying so, Killing Seven couldn't wait to roll up his sleeves , "If you can beat it, why don't you leave it to the old man!"

"It doesn't feel like something we need to solve. Anyway, we should take a look." Mingxiu said seriously.

"Okay, since you want to go, let's go." Knowing that Mingxiu has never been a willful person, this time he is so persistent, there must be something there.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue agreed to himself, Mingxiu smiled brightly at that moment, and then led Ye Qianyue and the two of them forward.

Already approaching the center of the Black Wind Valley, the three of Ye Qianyue headed towards the direction of the hill and found some abnormalities.

(End of this chapter)

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