Chapter 614
The deeper you go, the more corpses there are on the ground.

Outside the Black Wind Valley, the three of Ye Qianyue also encountered many corpses.

At that time, they only thought that they were people who came to the Black Wind Valley and unfortunately died here, but now it seems that things are not that simple.

Different from the severely decomposed corpses outside, most of the corpses in front of them are well preserved, and they can even vaguely feel the majestic aura they had when they were alive.

Among them, Ye Qianyue stopped specially, inspected some of the corpses, and found that the owners of these corpses were at least Nian Zun, and even Nian Sheng level powerhouses!
In today's Canghe Continent, there are not even ten Niansheng-level powerhouses in total, but these scattered corpses, there are several Niansheng-level powerhouses appearing at every turn, which is too strange Some!
It seems that the original strong men on the Canghe Continent all died here...

Unable to understand why these strong men died here, Ye Qianyue frowned slightly and continued to move forward.

Soon they came to the place where the hill was, and the three of them faced the hill with expressions of horror.

Even with Ye Qianyue's concentration, her eyes widened in astonishment.

I saw a huge dragon corpse crawling on the ground amidst the dead air in front of me, looking like a hill from a distance.

Different from the more or less decomposed corpses on the ground, the corpse of the giant dragon in front of him was well protected, and even the scales on the dragon's body shone with moving light as always, let alone other places .

"Fuck, there's actually a dragon here! A real dragon!!" Seeing the spectacle in front of her, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but swear.

No. Explosive. Rough. It is really hard to describe the surprise in her heart at the moment.

Dragon, this kind of magical beast that only existed in legends, unexpectedly appeared in front of them without warning!
If it weren't for the fact that the dragon's body was covered with trees and vines, and it didn't have the breath of a living thing at all, the three of Ye Qianyue even felt that the dragon was not dead, but just asleep!

They all looked terrified, and the three of them obviously still hadn't recovered.

Shocked for a while, Ye Qianyue frowned quickly, and then asked in wonder, "First, there are countless strong men, and obviously a real dragon. What happened in this Black Wind Valley to make it happen?" Will there be so many corpses of strong men and powerful monsters piled up here?"

Mingxiu and Shiqi obviously didn't understand and couldn't answer Ye Qianyue's question.

She was completely stumped by the question she asked. Although Ye Qianyue didn't know what was going on, she knew that there must be some origin behind it...

I always feel that everything is covered in a thick layer of fog. Although Ye Qianyue can't see clearly, she also knows that there is a shocking secret hidden in it!

As for what the secret is, she still doesn't know it now. ,

"Ah Yue, although I don't know what's going on, but this dragon's corpse is a good thing, you might as well put it in your scepter space, we will study it after we go back." Mingxiu came back to his senses Come on, looking at Ye Qianyue and said.

Feeling that what Mingxiu said made sense, Ye Qianyue nodded immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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