Chapter 622 It's Really Scary
At the same time as he was speaking, a cloud of strong dark-type energy emitting a stench suddenly burst out from around the body of the Sanshengzun.

There were bursts of ferocious death energy constantly beating in the energy of the dark system, and the San Shengzun's face was ferocious, and his bloodthirsty gaze locked on Ye Qianyue over there.

"Sun, moon, and stars, use them for me!" A roar burst out from the throat, and the words of the three saints fell, and the dark energy around him hit like a tide, and then formed a huge vortex, and began to absorb it crazily Aroused the energy between the surrounding heaven and earth.

Soon, a gust of wind howled, swept in with a strong suction force, frantically absorbing the surrounding energy.

"Hahahaha, with the strong energy between heaven and earth as my backing, you weak people are no match for me at all!" Laughing wildly, the face of the three saints was full of ferocious smiles, and the whole body It all looks terrible!
The already strong strength is growing rapidly. If the Sanshengzun is allowed to absorb it like this, it will be really difficult to defeat him!

And thinking this way, Ye Qianyue was even surprised to find that the thought power in her body seemed to be absorbed by the San Shengzun, and there were bursts of cold light in her dark eyes, and Ye Qianyue called solemnly, " Huabao, come out."

And after Ye Qianyue's words fell, a burst of touching pink light diffused out, and the fascinating light appeared, and Huabao's lovely figure also appeared in front of Ye Qianyue.

Still so sweet and lovely, Huabao's big watery eyes are beating with moving water, and a slight smile can fascinate countless people.

"Mother, you called me... ah!" After coming out, Hua Bao had no idea that the suction outside was so strong, and immediately let out a cry of panic, resisting the strong suction forcefully.

Resisting vigorously, Hua Bao's little face was flushed red from excessive force!
Seeing Hua Bao's strenuous appearance, Ye Qianyue naturally couldn't bear it, so she stretched out her hand and gently supported Hua Bao's small body.

"Mother, mother, what's going on, it's really scary!" Huabao was still in shock, and took a look at the huge vortex over there. road.

"Huabao, can you condense a ball of pure power with me, and then throw it to the Sanshengzun over there?" Ye Qianyue also forcibly held back the terrible suction emanating from the body of the Sanshengzun, Frowning, he asked Huabao.

"En, it's possible!" Hua Bao obviously understood the situation at the moment, and immediately closed her lovely big eyes.

Crystalline pink energy appeared, and a little bit of pure power gradually condensed.

"Mingxiu, Kill Seven, help me cover it!" Knowing that relying on Huabao's strength alone may not be able to do it, Ye Qianyue quickly urged the pure power in her body to condense her fingertips while speaking.

Ye Qianyue took a light breath as there was an unruly light in her pitch-black eyes.

Fuxiqin also seemed to feel the pure power around Ye Qianyue, and the body of the piano exuded a little bit of light like warm jade, as if reflecting each other with Ye Qianyue at this moment, and gradually releasing pure power .

(End of this chapter)

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