Chapter 623 Don't touch her
Feeling Fuxiqin's cooperation, Ye Qianyue couldn't help showing a surprised expression on her face.

After a moment, Ye Qianyue withdrew her surprised expression, her eyes were like torches, and she looked coldly at the triumphant San Shengzun over there.

"Don't you like to absorb energy? Then I'll help you!" With a cold snort, Ye Qianyue said so, a sly smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and her fingertips fell instantly, accompanied by With a melodious piano sound, Ye Qianyue and Hua Bao sent out the pure power at the same time!

The silver-white pure power drew a gorgeous arc in the air, and then was sucked into the body of the San Shengzun fiercely.

"Ah!!" Suddenly, there was a shrill scream, and the figure of San Shengzun fell to the ground precariously, his eyes were full of horror, and he spat out a mouthful of blood forcefully.

His complexion turned blue and white, and San Shengzun only felt that the terrifying pure power was madly purifying the thought power mixed with death energy in his body, and the strange feeling made his body tremble uncontrollably.

"You damn little girl! I will kill you today!" Unable to force out the pure power in his body, San Shengzun's face suddenly became very ugly, and he gritted his teeth and yelled at Ye Qianyue in anger drink.

Succeeded to make the Sanshengzun suffer, Ye Qianyue's lips suddenly evoked a sly smile, and looked at the Sanshengzun over there coldly!

"If you really have this ability, you might as well come over and have a try!" Ye Qianyue continued to condense the pure power in her body, and quickly plucked the strings under her hands.

Not only has the pure power of Ye Qianyue, but the pure light power in Fuxiqin is also the nemesis of death!
The power came in the form of wind blades, and the Sanshengzun was frightened when he saw it!
Having already tasted the power of Ye Qianyue's pure power, San Shengzun dare not continue to underestimate Ye Qianyue!

Terrified at the moment, San Shengzun jumped up almost directly from the spot, and then ruthlessly launched several attacks, smashing Ye Qianyue's wind blade!
"You girl, you absolutely can't stay!" After saying this sincerely, the San Shengzun quickly roared, turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Ye Qianyue's direction without knowing it!

After all, the Sanshengzun is also the peak chanting saint. Even though his attributes are firmly suppressed by Ye Qianyue, his body is still very strong. If he can really hit Ye Qianyue hard, it will definitely make her very uncomfortable!

The calculation in his heart was loud, and San Shengzun punched Ye Qianyue hard!

With a cold snort, the pink light in Ye Qianyue's eyes disappeared, and the enchanting Phoenix Soul Fire appeared like a living thing, with bursts of cold light dancing in Ye Qianyue's eyes.

Taking a step back at the moment, Ye Qianyue didn't seem to have seen the punch of the San Shengzun, her demeanor was calm, and she didn't even intend to resist!
Seeing this, the Sanshengzun secretly scolded Ye Qianyue for being arrogant in his heart, and the corners of his lips could not help but evoked a successful smile.

However, before the Sanshengzun really made a move, Ming Xiu and Shi Qi had already stood in front of Ye Qianyue.

"Don't touch her." Said these few words coldly, Mingxiu looked at San Shengzun as if he was looking at a dead person, and the blue lightning condensed on his hands, blocking the three sages fiercely. The fist of the Holy One.

(End of this chapter)

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