Chapter 624 You Can Guess
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"Ah!!" The strong tingling sensation brought by An Tianlei made San Shengzun's scalp tingle, and then he let out a shrill scream!

Seeing Mingxiu's expressionless face in disbelief, San Shengzun hadn't recovered from his senses, but suddenly met Shi Qi's eyes full of murderous intent.

Shocked, San Shengzun didn't even have the slightest time to react, seeing that Shi Qi punched him hard, hitting him on the center of the eyebrows!
I just felt that my soul was about to be completely crushed by Killing Qi's punch, and San Shengzun's face was pale and his eyes widened, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood!

"As I said, if you bump into me, you're courting death!" There was darkness in front of his eyes, and when San Shengzun finally saw it clearly, he suddenly saw Ye Qianyue over there.

The fiery red dress danced wildly in the wind, and Ye Qianyue was as beautiful as a goddess, surrounded by the enchanting phoenix soul fire, making her face look even more perfect!

Like the most perfect work of art created by God, Ye Qianyue held the Fuxiqin in her hand, and then gently plucked the strings under the creepy gaze of the Three Saints.

The phoenix soul fire condensed and suddenly turned into a fiery red mist covered with gold, enveloping the Sansheng Zun in a seemingly harmless manner!

Not knowing what happened at all, San Shengzun stared blankly at the smoke sticking to his body, and suddenly burst into a terrible burning sensation.

"Ah! You bitch, what did you do?!" The feeling that was no less than being directly roasted by the flame made San Shengzun scream out loud, and said angrily in disbelief.

Smiling without saying a word, Ye Qianyue looked at San Shengzun's panicked expression, and finally said slowly, "You can guess."

"Bitch, I won't lose!" shouted angrily, San Shengzun crazily stimulated the mind power in his body, and was about to attack, but suddenly felt waves of scorching pain from his meridians.

His eyes widened in astonishment, and the Sanshengzun watched as the fiery red and golden smoke penetrated into his body along his mouth and nose, and then crazily destroyed it in his body.

The severe pain almost made people go crazy. The Sanshengzun had no power to resist at all. Not to mention the large and small burns on the surface of the body, even the internal organs in the body were almost cooked!

Suffering great pain, San Shengzun was shocked to find that he couldn't even blew himself up!

Staring at Ye Qianyue over there angrily, the San Shengzun looked like that, and wished to skin Ye Qianyue directly and cramp it!

"Hand over the Gu King, and I'll give you a treat." Knowing that the Gu King must be controlled by the Three Saints, Ye Qianyue said coldly.

"Hmph, you're dreaming!" As he said that, San Shengzun seemed to have made up his mind, stretched out his hand, and tore open his chest directly!

A strong smell of blood swept out, and under the astonished eyes of Ye Qianyue and the other three, San Shengzun endured the severe pain and crushed his heart abruptly!
"Ji——!" At that moment, there was a sharp, scalp-numbing scream, and Ye Qianyue and the others saw the ferocious sneer on the face of San Shengzun, feeling that his aura was Gradually disappear.

However, following the scream, there were similar screams from all around.

That scream sounded like maggots on the tarsal bone, which made people shudder!

(End of this chapter)

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