The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 632 All these people deserve to die

Chapter 632 All these people deserve to die
"Depending on you, you can't do anything to me." Facing the dark demon's overwhelming anger, Beigong Huoyin was extremely calm, and then turned around without hesitation, intending to leave this land of right and wrong, "I'm tired, I'm not interested in playing with you any longer."

"Beigong Huoyin!!" Seeing Beigong Huoyin's rampant appearance, the dark demon roared angrily, raised his hand, and a dense mass of death energy tore apart a few dark cracks in the space. He quickly attacked Beigong Huoyin's back!
However, before the dead air approached Beigong Huoyin, the enchanting figure stopped.

A ferocious killing intent suddenly appeared in the originally cold eyes, Beigong Huoyin snorted coldly, and then waved his sleeves, a cloud of dark energy rushed out, and instantly killed the mass. Qi was blown into nothingness!
"If you dare to act presumptuously in front of me again, I'll kill you before Si Linyuan comes to your door!" Beigong Huoyin said coldly as his crimson eyes throbbed with real anger. talk.

The tone of the voice was full of killing intent, Beigong Huoyin's words were not a joke!

In an instant, he felt a icy chill gushing out. The dark demon watched Beigong Huoyin walk away step by step, but he didn't have the guts to stop him!

Beigong Huoyin defuses his attack so easily, the strength must be above him! !

It was completely unexpected that Beigong Huoyin had such abilities. Not only the Dark Demon, but even Jin Yaoling were stunned at the moment.

Although Jin Yaoling had always known that Beigong Huoyin was very powerful, he never expected that he would be so powerful! !

After the dark demon was stunned for a moment, his expression suddenly became ferocious, and he roared angrily, "Damn it, all these people should die!!"

As he said that, Dark Demon's brows and eyes turned cold, and he turned his head to stare at Shi Qi's body.

"You don't need to keep things like this that you don't need!" As he said that, the dark demon condensed the death energy in his hands, and ruthlessly hit Shi Qi's fleshy body.

There was only a muffled 'boom', and Shi Qi's body instantly shattered.

Blood spattered out, and the strong smell of blood made the Dark Demon's expression a bit more ferocious at the moment!

Not daring to say a word, Jin Yaoling silently knelt on the ground for a long, long time.


But in the middle of the night, Ye Qianyue, who was curled up in Si Linyuan's arms and sleeping soundly, was suddenly awakened by the voice of Killing Qi.

"Girl, girl, wake up!" Shi Qi's voice was a little anxious, and Ye Qianyue, who was always used to light sleep, was awakened instantly.

"Qi Qi, what happened to you at night?" During the day, she had been trying to find a way to investigate the location of the dark demon. At this moment, Ye Qianyue was suddenly awakened, and it was inevitable that she would come to her senses.

"Girl, I seem to...know where the Dark Demon is now." Killing Qi said this seriously with a serious voice.

Saying this in one sentence made Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan wake up all at once, and they didn't feel sleepy at all.

Hastily raising her hand, Feng Hunhuo lit the candle on the table, Ye Qianyue saw a flash of light in the space of her scepter, and Killing Qi appeared in front of the two with a solemn expression.

"Really? Where is the Dark Demon now?" It has been two days of searching, but Ye Qianyue and the others have not found the hiding place of the Dark Demon. They were all very pleasantly surprised.

 Today's 8 update has been updated here, as always, please ask for tickets, rewards and support! ! !

  The decisive battle is about to begin, why don't you hurry up and get stronger!

(End of this chapter)

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