Chapter 633 I promise you

"It's not far from the border of the Empire on which the sun never sets. I can be sure that the dark demon must be there." It was obvious that he finally found the dark demon's location, but Killing Seven had a serious face, as if his eyes were still there. With a bit of suppressed anger, Ye Qianyue and the two looked puzzled and frowned.

"Qiqi, what's the matter with you, you finally found out where the dark demon is, why are you still not happy at all?" Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's eyes shrank a little, "Speaking of which, what are you? How did you find out where the Dark Demon is?"

After hearing Ye Qianyue's question, Shi Qi's expression was still ugly, "The reason why the old man can find out where the dark demon is is because the old man felt that his physical body has been destroyed by the dark demon!"

Speaking of this, Shi Qi clenched his fists fiercely with anger on his face, "The reason why the dark demon took away the old man's body was to occupy the old man's body and become a real human being, but now he has suffered a lot. Even if he obtains a stronger physical body in the future, he will never be able to fuse with the eradicated trauma, so he must have tried, and when he found out that he really couldn't succeed, he would get angry and destroy the old man's physical body!"

After hearing what Shi Qi said, Si Linyuan and Ye Qianyue looked at each other with complicated eyes.

Both of them knew that what Kill Qi wanted was to get back his former body and resurrect him again, but now that his body was destroyed, Kill Qi must be very sad in his heart.

Seeing Shi Qi's solemn expression, Ye Qianyue pursed her lips, and then asked very seriously, "Shi Qi, do you believe me?"

Apparently he didn't expect Ye Qianyue to ask such a question suddenly, Shi Qi froze for a moment, then nodded without hesitation, "I believe it."

He has been with Ye Qianyue for a while, Shi Qi knows that Ye Qianyue is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and now he regards her as a friend who has forgotten the years, so there is no reason not to believe her.

"Okay, since you believe in me, I promise you that I will refine a better body for you in the future to satisfy your wish for resurrection." Seriously, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes The firm light was beating, and the serious look was clearly not joking.

Hearing Ye Qianyue's unhesitating words, Shi Qi was stunned for a moment, and then a little mist appeared in those emerald eyes.

Trapped for such a long time, what Kill Seven wants most is to see the light again, and then be resurrected again.

Ye Qianyue helped him see the light again, and now she said that she would help him resurrect again. He was not unmoved by such a friendship.

"Qianyue, thank you so much." After saying this seriously, Shi Qi quickly put away his touched expression, and then put on a serious face, "The dark devil must be out of breath, so he will do it himself Destroyed my physical body, but he certainly didn't expect that there is still a certain connection between me and my physical body, so he destroyed my physical body so boldly."

Saying that, Shi Qi looked at Si Linyuan, "What should I do now, should I kill him immediately?"

"Now that we know the exact location of the Dark Demon, there is no need to worry about anything..." Si Linyuan narrowed his golden eyes thoughtfully, obviously thinking.
(End of this chapter)

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