Chapter 637 What the hell? !
"My lord!" Accompanied by the Dark Demon's roar, two men in black robes who seemed to have a deep breath quickly emerged from the darkness, and then respectfully knelt down in front of the Dark Demon.

"Hurry up, go out with Jin Rattle and deal with those guys!" Feeling the huge vibration from the entire castle, Dark Demon's face was very ugly, and he said this sentence tremblingly.

However, before Dark Demon said these words, accompanied by a loud bang, the roof of the main hall where Dark Demon and others were located was suddenly blasted by shells. The figure with a sharp breath also appeared in this world with full arrogance.

Their gazes were full of icy coldness, and Ye Qianyue and the others were imposing, like a king who ruled the world. They were so powerful that no one dared to underestimate them!

"You damned fellows, I will definitely not let you go today!" Seeing the figures of Ye Qianyue and the others, the dark demon froze for a moment, then crazily covered up the panic that filled his scarlet eyes, biting After clenching his teeth, he said angrily.

"I'm afraid you don't have that ability at all." Facing the dark demon's anger indifferently, Ye Qianyue was extremely cold, staring at the dark demon over there with absolute contempt.

Trembling almost uncontrollably, the Dark Demon panicked in his heart, and then yelled angrily at the three people beside him, Jin Yaoling, "What are you bastards waiting for?! Hurry up and kill them!!"

As he said that, the Dark Demon quickly backed away, and countless death aura erupted from his body, and he roared frantically, "My dead soldiers, accept my call!"

As the dark demon's words fell, death energy surged out, frantically pouring into the surrounding ground.

There were only a few heart-shattering sounds, and then countless lifeless corpses came out of the ground frantically, as if they had come to life.

Seeing the corpse's arm protruding from under her feet, Ye Qianyue frowned and took a step back.

"Hoo hoo!" Suddenly, an army of countless dead bodies rushed out from the ground, all of them were dull-faced, with a strange green color on their faces, which looked very terrifying! !

"What the hell are these things?" Strong spiritual power surged out, and Ye Qianyue was surprised to find that the ones in front of them were really corpses, without any breath of living people left!
"Hahahahahaha, this is a good gift I specially left for you!" After summoning such a huge army of dead corpses, the figure of the dark demon was quite illusory, obviously it was the consumption of him by the summoning just now It is equally huge.

Already completely surrounded by dead bodies, Ye Qianyue saw a dead body frantically waving its fist, and smashed towards her fiercely!
The powerful force almost compressed the air fiercely, and when such a fierce fist fell, Ye Qianyue couldn't help frowning with such determination!
With a light touch of her toes on the ground, Ye Qianyue rushed out quickly, and immediately took a step back.

But at this moment, the dead body's ferocious punch also landed fiercely, forcibly smashing a huge deep hole on the ground!

Seeing the ground split open quickly like a spider's web, Ye Qianyue swallowed a faint killing intent on her face, and without hesitation, she flew out with her kick, and slammed it on the dead body's head.

(End of this chapter)

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