Chapter 638 Really Disappointed Me
With a strong kick, Ye Qianyue used all her strength, but only left a shallow depression on the dead body's head!

Instead, there was a sharp pain from the instep, and Ye Qianyue's eyes trembled slightly, "What a hard head!"

"Roar!" After being kicked by Ye Qianyue, the dead body remained motionless. Instead, a beast-like roar came out of its throat, and then it punched fiercely, and swung towards Ye Qianyue again.

It's not easy to dodge, but Ye Qianyue also clearly understands that if she really gets this punch, she will definitely not feel good!
But when Ye Qianyue was trying to escape, a big hand suddenly pulled her into a reassuring embrace.

"Get out!" Tightly protecting Ye Qianyue in his arms, Si Linyuan let out a roar, and then kicked out fiercely, directly breaking the neck of the dead body, making his head feel like Rolled out like a spinning top!

You can clearly see the white bones exposed at the broken neck, but before Ye Qianyue and the two can breathe a sigh of relief, the dead body that should have fallen still did not give up, and grabbed Ye Qianyue forcefully. ankle.

"Oh... so much strength!" I only felt the strength of the dead body, Ye Qian's body trembled violently at the moment, feeling as if his ankle was about to be directly crushed into pieces.

Unable to admit defeat, Ye Qianyue could only endure the pain forcefully.

But at this moment, Si Linyuan's murderous intent spread, he raised his hand and flicked lightly, and the thick dragon's fire fell on the dead body.

"Hahaha, it's useless! Even your Dragon Fire can't easily kill these corpses!" Seeing Si Linyuan's actions, Dark Demon laughed out loud and said incomparably rampantly.

Sure enough, after the Dragon Fire completely expelled the corpse's dead energy, large and small cracks appeared on the corpse's body, but it still couldn't be solved easily!

"I still don't believe it!" With a cold snort, Ye Qianyue quickly took out the Fuxiqin, and played it hard.

The power of light in Fuxiqin rushed out quickly, and then smashed on the body of the dead body, instantly smashing the dead body into pieces.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue was taken aback for a moment, and then plucked the strings again.

At that moment, the wind blade whizzed up and slammed into the body of another dead body.

Immediately, countless huge cracks appeared on the body, among which, a thick death energy rushed out, making people tremble!
There was a flash of anticipation in the dark eyes, and Ye Qianyue had a smile on her brows, "Lin Yuan!"

One look could guess what Ye Qianyue was thinking, Si Linyuan nodded heavily at the moment, and then Long Zhi Huo bounced out of his fingers like a bullet, and landed on the body of the dead body.

There was only a muffled sound, and then the dead breath in the dead body disappeared immediately, and the body itself was burned into nothingness!
Seeing this, Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan's eyes lit up at the same time, and then they continued to attack without hesitation, quickly killing those dead bodies like harvesting.

While solving the problem, Si Linyuan didn't forget to take a look at the sluggish Dark Demon over there.

The gilt golden eyes were full of strong sarcasm, and the corner of Si Linyuan's mouth curled into a mocking sneer, looking at the dark demon, he asked word by word, "Is this your ability? It's really useless, too Disappointed me!"

(End of this chapter)

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