Chapter 643 The Goddess In My Heart
I saw the dragon fire rushing out quickly, lingering around the dark demon, and then with a kind of absolute contempt, frantically squeezed in the direction of the dark demon! !

"Ah! Don't, don't!!" Clearly feeling the approach of death, the Dark Demon felt that his illusory body was being quickly annihilated under the roasting of the dragon fire!
Surrounded by the dragon's fire, the dark demon had no power to resist at all, and was soon roasted into nothingness, and then disappeared in the into the air!
Seeing this, Si Linyuan coldly withdrew the dragon's fire, seeing that the dark demon was completely wiped out without leaving even a trace of wreckage.

"It's finally over." Since childhood, Si Linyuan has been greatly threatened by the dark demon, and now, it is finally resolved.

And just when Si Linyuan breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Qianyue, who had settled everything, had an inseparable smile on her face, and directly threw herself into Si Linyuan's arms.

"Linyuan, you're so handsome, I'm about to fall in love with you again." Ye Qianyue said without hesitation, and directly printed a big kiss on Si Linyuan's side face.

"I have always loved you, and I only love you." Seeing Ye Qianyue's sincere joy for herself, Si Linyuan also couldn't hide the smile in his eyes, and reached out to touch Ye Qianyue's cheeks. hair, and kissed her lightly.

Almost at the same moment when the dark demon was wiped out, Mingxiu and Shiqi also dealt with the first and second saints respectively.

Seeing Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan hugging each other with a smile, Mingxiu only felt his heart stabbed fiercely, which made him frown forcefully, and then slowly lowered his eyes.

In fact, he had already understood the matter a long time ago. This time, Ming Xiu did not step forward.

He is indeed a stubborn person, but seeing the happy look of his beloved woman, he is not really indifferent.

He needs to think about it carefully, think about his feelings for Ye Qianyue, how to put them down...

After solving the dark demon, everyone quickly left the castle, but Ye Qianyue was so domineering, several cannons blasted out, directly razing the entire castle to the ground!
The entire dark pavilion was completely wiped out, and the battle ended with a complete victory and a perfect ending.

At the same time as the curtain ended, Ye Qianyue's name quickly spread throughout the entire Canghe Continent, to the point where no one knew it!

Everyone knows how this almost legendary woman solved the plague and saved the common people in the world, and they also know how brave she is to destroy the dark pavilion that has been endangering Canghe Continent!
Once the dark forces were wiped out, Ye Qianyue completely became the goddess in everyone's mind.

Powerful, beautiful, and in the whole world, there are too many admirers who want to pursue Ye Qianyue.

Countless young talents flocked frantically to the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, where the Yeguo Mansion is located. What they think about day and night, is to meet the goddess in their hearts!
Today's Ye Qianyue really became famous in one battle.

Compared to the ecstasy and pursuit of everyone on the mainland, Ye Qianyue's reaction was indifferent.

She has always been indifferent to fame and wealth, and even rejected the gratitude of major forces and countries.

(End of this chapter)

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