Chapter 644 Find them too
However, she couldn't stop the pursuit of those young talents, so that Si Linyuan had been jealous for several days, and pulled her into his arms with a sullen face.

"Come back with me, I'll take you away." Seeing those young talents with countless precious love letters stuffed into Chaoye Qianyue's hands, Si Linyuan really felt too threatened! !
Although I believe that Ye Qianyue will never betray her, but seeing a group of annoying guys dangling in front of his beloved woman, no man can take it calmly!
"Okay, I'll help you." Ye Qianyue looked at Si Linyuan's jealous look, and while it was funny, she felt Si Linyuan's strong feelings for her. Yuan's arms.

Now that a hundred years have passed, Shura City is in a very dangerous situation, and she wants to help a group of Si Linyuan.

"I want you to come with me because I want to pamper you. You, you just need to be prepared to be my queen with peace of mind. Don't worry about other things." Si Linyuan said dotingly on why Ye Qianyue was willing to work hard. Such a sentence.

"Aren't you pampering me all the time? That's enough. As for other things, let me help you. As I said, I'm not cowardly and need your protection. I'm an eagle , can fly with you, the two of us will always be together."

Si Linyuan was extremely moved by Ye Qianyue's earnest words, and he immediately hugged Ye Qianyue tightly for a long time.


Now that she has decided to go back to Shura City with Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue has no choice but to say goodbye to everyone in the Ye family.

Mrs. Ye is well now, and Ye Qianfeng also sent a letter to report her safety, so she can finally leave with peace of mind.

Before leaving, Ye Qianyue saw the reluctance and anxiety on Madam Ye's face, and immediately squeezed Madam Ye's hand tightly, and assured her earnestly, "Mother, don't worry, I will protect myself, and I will protect myself." Find them."

Her parents are both in Lingyun Continent, she knows this clearly, and she must find them too!
Knowing who 'they' Ye Qianyue was talking about, Mrs. Ye warned, "Yue'er, they were helpless back then, don't, don't blame them..."

"I won't." Ye Qianyue could imagine the reluctance and helplessness her biological parents had to keep her here.

Although she hasn't been with them for so many years, Ye Qianyue is grateful to her biological parents.

Back then, her parents cared about her young age and didn't want her to be in danger, so they left her in Canghe Continent. It must be uncomfortable to be separated from their own flesh and blood, and they must have paid a lot.

Hearing this, Mrs. Ye nodded quickly, and then, together with everyone in the Ye family, watched Ye Qianyue leave.


The floating island is free from the three major planes and is not controlled by the three major planes.For all continents, it is a very special existence.

The island is divided into three cities, Shura City, Universal City, and Phoenix City.

Among them, Shura City is the most powerful, and the territory is also the best. Now that a hundred years have passed, after the Four Seas City, Phoenix City is also ready to move...

In Shura City, the four seasons are like spring, like a fairyland.

The majestic and majestic huge city is three times the size of the Empire on which the sun never sets. Not to mention the picturesque scenery, it reveals a magnificence that can only be revealed after years of precipitation.

(End of this chapter)

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