Chapter 645

It's not blindly luxurious, everything in Asura City has a hint of heavy luxury, the momentum is like the clouds on the top of a mountain, thrilling.

In this place where the four seasons are like spring, the people are happy and happy, supporting their only king.

And that king is none other than Si Linyuan.

Today, the entire Shura City is a dazzling red, and under the sun, it continuously emits dazzling light.

The red silk and satin in full swing covered the entire Shura City. Today the entire Shura City is extremely lively. Everyone is smiling, celebrating their king's annual birthday.

Naturally, a banquet was also prepared in the royal palace. However, all the high-ranking and powerful people in Shura City clearly understood that this feast was not only for celebrating their king's birthday, but also for a woman.

That lucky woman who got their king in deep.

And it's a woman from Canghe Continent below...

As a special force, the people in Asura City have even more proud self-esteem than the people in Lingyun Continent.

In the eyes of the people in Shura City, the people in Canghe Continent are just a group of weak people who are not popular. How can such a woman from Canghe Continent be worthy to be their king's queen.

However, although there were many objections to Ye Qianyue's existence, no one dared to show it.

It's not because of anything else, it's just because these high-ranking and powerful people are very afraid of Si Linyuan.

Their king is ruthless and ruthless. He has never let any woman come within three meters of him, but now he brings this woman back, he can't help but say that he must marry, and he will only marry her for the rest of his life. !
It is a shocking thing for a king to have a pair of people for a lifetime!

Only one scoop of three thousand weak waters was taken, such an imposing manner showed that Si Linyuan was serious!

So, it's not that they don't say it, but they dare not say it!
While being afraid, everyone also became very interested in Ye Qianyue.

Everyone wants to know who that Ye Qianyue is, who can make their always cold and indifferent king fall in love with her so much!
On that day, in the royal palace of Shura City, in the Jinyun Hall.

Countless relatives, ministers, and young handsome men and beauties, all dressed in fancy clothes, discussed Ye Qianyue together with great interest.

"Sister Tianhuang, have you really seen Ye Qianyue?" One of the women in the yellow dress looked at the cold woman in the purple-blue dress with a proud face among them, and asked curiously.

The purplish-blue girl had a pair of slender and long phoenix eyes, with the tip of the eyes raised upwards, carrying a bit of natural coldness, making her beautiful like a fairy.

The temperament is obviously also very arrogant, the clothes on the woman's body are luxurious, and all kinds of exquisite gems are worn on her body, bright but not vulgar, making the men around her frequently look at her.

The woman in front of him is none other than Duke Gu's most beloved granddaughter, the most talented person among the younger generation in Shura City, Gu Tianhuang.

"Naturally, when my grandfather and I came to pay our respects to the king, we caught a glimpse from a distance." Gu Tianhuang's face was full of disgust, "Although it is not real, but I feel that he is beyond the beauty, If there is nothing special about a woman, if the king falls in love with her, it must be just a novelty for a while, and he will get bored in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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