Chapter 647
"Kowtow to the king." After a moment of astonishment, everyone did not dare to hesitate, and fell to their knees in unison.

"Pingshen." The melodious voice was like fine wine, touching the heartstrings, making everyone intoxicated, and at the same time thanked and got up.

And it doesn't matter if you can't get up, everyone got up together, almost staring out their eyes in surprise.

I saw that they had always been aloof, and the king, who didn't eat people's fireworks, reluctantly let go of Ye Qianyue's hand, and then helped her to sit down.

Those cautious movements seemed to be treating the most precious treasure in the world, the movements were gentle and full of love, such affectionate demeanor could not escape the eyes of everyone present! !
Oh my god, is this still their cold king!How could their king be so caring, how could he love a woman so much? !

In the eyes of everyone, their king is a naturally indifferent person.

He doesn't care about anyone or anything, as if everyone can't get into his eyes, but such a cold person, who loves his own woman, how can he be so meticulous and careful, the young women below are all... His heart skipped a beat, envy mixed with strong jealousy, looking at Ye Qianyue over there!

Especially Gu Tianhuang, she gritted her teeth angrily, and clenched her fist fiercely!
How is it possible, isn't it said that it came from the Canghe Continent?How can a woman from the Canghe Continent have such a noble temperament? !
The difference between cloud and mud is really the difference between cloud and mud!

At this moment, Gu Tianhuang finally remembered in surprise, the dignified look on her grandfather's face when he came back from the palace to meet His Majesty that day.

At that time, the expression on the face of the Duke of the ancient country, he only said four words in a dignified manner.

"Equally matched!" These four words did not mean that my appearance was similar to Ye Qianyue's, but that Ye Qianyue was a person who was comparable to the king! !
Whoever Gu Guogong is, to get such an evaluation from him, this Ye Qianyue...!
I dare not think about it anymore, Gu Tianhuang always thought that the queen's throne belonged to her, but now it seems that things are obviously not that simple!
At this moment, Si Linyuan also took his seat, and then said calmly, "Today is just an ordinary family banquet, so you don't have to be restrained, you can do whatever you want."

random?Who dares to act recklessly in front of his Si Linyuan!
"Thank you, Your Majesty." Immediately, they knelt down on the ground in unison, and then everyone present finally dared to take their seats.

Quiet as a chill, everyone carefully looked at Ye Qianyue over there.

Such perfection, Ye Qianyue's skin was like creamy fat, her appearance was like a fairy, without a single blemish.

After a few glances, everyone looked away in shock.

Today's Ye Qianyue is wearing a phoenix robe, and she is sitting in a seat that only queens can sit in. The meaning Si Linyuan wants to express is already very obvious!

And just when everyone understood, Gu Xiangyun, the Duke of the Ancient Kingdom, got up immediately, then knelt down on the ground, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, the Lord of Phoenix City requested a marriage a few days ago, and wanted to marry the eldest princess he gave birth to. I am Shura City and become the queen of us and everyone else, I don't know how the king plans to take it."

After listening to Gu Xiangyun's words, Si Linyuan's action of serving Ye Qianyue's vegetables stopped for a while, and then his sharp eyes swept towards Gu Xiangyun, "Didn't the Duke see that the person sitting next to me is who?"

"Your Majesty, now that the century-old agreement has passed, the Four Seas City is coming to invade, and the Phoenix City is also ready to move. If we can marry now, we Shura City can also be regarded as joining hands with the Phoenix City. At that time, the Four Seas City will definitely be afraid and dare not do anything wrong. You should have thoughts!" Gu Xiangyun insisted, looking up at Si Linyuan seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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