Chapter 648 Bringing back a fool?
"Your Majesty, please put the overall situation first!"

When Gu Xiangyun said a word, the people below fell to their knees in unison, "Your Majesty, please put the overall situation first!"

Looking at the black head, Ye Qianyue smiled.

With a sneer full of sarcasm, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes slightly narrowed, extremely cold.

This Duke of the Ancient Kingdom is really as troublesome as the rumors say, even though she is sitting here, he looks like he can't see him, and he puts out a high-sounding reason like this in front of everyone. It caused her a great embarrassment.

Marriage, that's a really good reason.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue looked at Si Linyuan with a smile in her eyes.

That look is as calm as it really is.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's expression, Si Linyuan knew clearly that Ye Qianyue was already angry at this moment.

"When did the people of Shura City become so useless, relying on such means in exchange for peace." Slowly fed the peeled grapes in his hands to Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan looked at them with a smile She motioned to leave everything to him.

Naturally, she was happy to be at leisure, Ye Qianyue liked Si Linyuan's protection of her very much.

"Your Majesty, this is the best way now. Please think twice, Your Majesty, and don't ruin the state affairs for the sake of your children's personal relationship!" Gu Xiangyun absolutely cannot tolerate Ye Qianyue sitting on the queen's throne, even if he His granddaughter temporarily missed the throne of the queen, and he couldn't let Ye Qianyue succeed!
"A hundred years have passed, and a great war is inevitable. And agreeing to the marriage will undoubtedly show weakness to Phoenix City. By that time, our Shura City will be truly dead and incomplete." Si Linyuan's brows and eyes are full of thick coldness, His sharp eyes swept towards Gu Xiangyun, "Since it is inevitable, what's the use of this superficial peace? I have said countless times that anyone in my Asura City will never show weakness. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed." Let’s make a warning to others!”

The sentence 'to serve as a warning to others' was said, and the mad killing intent contained in it made everyone below tremble in fright, and they were all in cold sweat at the moment, and some couldn't kneel down.

"Lin Yuan, how can you say that, the Duke is also very kind." And just when the atmosphere was condensed to the extreme, a beautiful voice like an orchid in an empty valley sounded quietly.

For a moment, everyone was stunned and looked at Ye Qianyue over there in disbelief.

Did they hear it wrong, Ye Qianyue actually said that Gu Xiangyun had good intentions? !

Anyone with a long brain can hear Gu Xiangyun's embarrassment towards Ye Qianyue. Could it be that their king really misjudged the person and brought back a fool?
But when everyone questioned Ye Qianyue's IQ, Si Linyuan clearly saw the coldness beating in Ye Qianyue's eyes.

Like a cunning little fox, Ye Qianyue looked at Gu Xiangyun with a gentle smile on her face and clear eyes. People who didn't know thought she was gentle, but Si Linyuan, who knew her well, knew that Ye Qianyue was It's time to start playing tricks.

Naturally, she would not stop her, Si Linyuan nodded and acquiesced in her actions.

The smile on the corner of her mouth suddenly became wider, and Ye Qianyue blinked her eyes innocently, and asked curiously, "Grand Duke Gu sees that you are so persistent, I think His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess in Phoenix City must be a very Wonderful woman, right?"

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a message, ask for a five-star praise~~
  Hey, dear, I haven't voted recently, so Sangxin, our Xiaoyueyue is about to start playing tricks, dear friends, hurry up and work hard~!

(End of this chapter)

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