Chapter 653 Back together
"You really don't know?" The high priest asked coldly as his cold and distrustful eyes fell directly on Yunina.

"I really don't know, otherwise I will get rid of that little bitch Ye Qianyue with my own hands!" Seeing the dawn of hope, Younina knelt on the ground and struggled to move to the face of the high priest, her forehead sticking to her face. Touching the ground, he kowtowed vigorously, "High Priest, how could this subordinate have been loyal to the temple for so many years, how could he do such a rebellious thing? Please trust me, High Priest, I really won't!"

Speaking of this, tears of fear flowed from Yunina's eyes.

Seeing Younina like this is really not lying, the high priest looked at her coldly, "Okay, since you said so, then the priest will believe you once, but you have to do it within a month." Bring Ye Qianyue and Fire Dragon Crystal back, otherwise, this priest will not only let her die, but also let you be buried with her! Did you hear clearly?"

"Yes, yes, this subordinate heard clearly, this subordinate, this subordinate will certainly pay off the merits, please rest assured, the high priest!" Knowing that her fate was saved, Yunina felt a long sigh of relief in her heart. Take a breath.

"Well, let's do it that way, step back quickly." Extremely annoyed, the high priest waved at Younina impatiently.

"This subordinate takes orders..." At the same time she relaxed, Yunina felt that she was seriously injured, and she struggled to leave with the support of her attendants.

After getting away from the high priest's time bomb, Yunina quickly drank the healing potion.

Feeling that the dull pain in her body finally disappeared, Yunina slowly breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes suddenly became bloodthirsty and sharp, she clenched her fist tightly, "Ye Qianyue, I must not I will let you go!"

This Ye Qianyue dared to slander her behind her back like this, she must make this woman die!
Thinking with great resentment, Younina couldn't sit still when she thought of this, and went back to the branch directly.


"Master Goddess, welcome back." Lady Li greeted her happily, but when she raised her eyes, she saw Younina's terrifying gaze that was almost eating people!
Trembling with fright, Ms. Li didn't know what happened, she saw Younina slap her hard on the face.

"Tell me! Where is that bitch Ye Qianyue now!" Younina roared angrily, almost going crazy with anger.

Her teeth were directly broken by You Nina's slap, and Miss Li fell to the ground with a scream, and tremblingly said, "Sure, I should have come back with Lord Shenzi."

Hearing this, Yunina didn't even look at the trembling Mistress Li, and strode towards the Shenzi Temple where Qiche was.

Already completely dazzled by anger, Younina was so angry that she was about to go crazy when she thought that she was actually betrayed by Ye Qianyue!
"Where is the Son of God? Where did the Son of God go?" Yunina was not stopped when she broke into the Temple of the Son of God.

Qi Che never liked having so many people serving him by his side, so the Shenzi Hall was empty and there were not many attendants.

On weekdays, even when the door of Shenzi Temple is open, no one dares to come in. If it was before, Yunina would not dare, but now she is completely angry, and she can't control so much at all.

(End of this chapter)

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