Chapter 654 Get out of here

Pushing open the door of Qi Che's room, Younina saw Qi Che with a gloomy face and a very unhappy mood at a glance.

Unparalleled and handsome as always, Qi Che is like a natural luminous body, people can't take their eyes off him even if they take a look at him.

However, today's Qi Che was obviously very displeased. Seeing Yunina who broke into the door, he said angrily with cold eyes, "If you don't want to die, get out!"

The thick murderous intent swept over immediately, making Younina tremble violently!
It was only then that she finally remembered Qi Che's usual horror, Yunina's eyes widened in fear.

It is indeed necessary to go, but Younina must also ask Ye Qianyue's whereabouts, otherwise, the high priest will definitely kill her!
"Master Shenzi, may I ask where did Ye Qianyue go?" The aggressive question in her mouth softened because of Qi Che's pressure, and Younina looked at Qi Che nervously.

Hearing Ye Qianyue's name, Qi Che narrowed his eyes coldly, "Let's go."

"Let's go? Where did you go?!" Yunina asked hurriedly, her eyes widened in surprise!

Obviously unwilling to talk nonsense with Younina, Qi Che didn't know anything, then raised his hand and sent Younina flying.

"Ah!" Fell to the ground hard, Younina saw Qi Che slam the door shut, angrily punched the ground hard, then rushed out, looking for other people Ye Qianyue's whereabouts.

Hearing the sound of Yunina's footsteps gradually walking away, Qi Che's face was still cold, and then he slowly opened the palm he had been holding tightly.

I saw handwriting flying on a piece of paper, which was Ye Qianyue's handwriting.

"From then on, I will have nothing to do with the temple. Farewell."

There was a hint of inexplicable emotion in the jade-like voice. Qi Che looked at this moving line of words, and after reading it slowly, a faint gleam appeared in his eyes.

After the matter was resolved, Qi Che went to Ye Guogong's mansion, but in the end, he didn't see Ye Qianyue, and only got this clear note from her.

"Ye Qianyue, I won't let you escape just like that..."


Not knowing what happened in the temple at all, Ye Qianyue is still at the palace banquet at this moment.

Accompanied by the exquisite performances of the dancers and singers, the atmosphere of the palace banquet was extremely harmonious.

"Your Majesty, this is the 30-year-old wine newly delivered by the Imperial Dining Room." At this moment, Qianying, who was the hidden guard, turned into a servant, and while pouring Si Linyuan the wine, he leaned over with a serious face. Si Linyuan whispered something in his ear.

A faint murderous intent flashed across the gilt eyes, and a cold smile appeared on the corners of Si Linyuan's bright red lips, "The visitor is not kind."

"What's the matter?" Ye Qianyue asked in a soft voice, having rarely seen Si Linyuan speak like this.

"I just came back, and the Four Seas City and Phoenix City couldn't bear it anymore and came to the door." There was a nearly perfect smile on his face, but Si Linyuan's words were full of strong murderous intent.

"From this point of view, the marriage alliance is just a lie." Gently putting down the wine glass in her hand, Ye Qianyue got up, and smiled at Si Linyuan, "Linyuan, why don't you leave this matter to me?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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