Chapter 655 Meet the King Shura
"What are you going to do?" Facing the smile on Shangye Qianyue's face, Si Linyuan asked.

"It is said that the hidden guards under the lord of Shura City are meticulously cultivated, and they have always been omnipotent." Ye Qianyue said, winking at Si Linyuan playfully, "Today, I will be your guard for a while." Dark guard, then use your status as a subordinate to give them a good look."

At a time like this, Si Linyuan needs to be in charge, so he can't do it himself, lest he lose his identity, if that's the case, then let her come.

It's just that her current outfit is not suitable for activities, but changing to a hidden guard will neither lose her bearing nor let those people succeed.

"I've wronged you." Si Linyuan knew that Ye Qianyue was always arrogant and unwilling to be inferior to others, and she could say that at this moment, which showed her sincerity towards herself.

"For you, I will do nothing wrong." Si Linyuan can give everything for her, so why would she mind helping him.

Now watching Ye Qianyue go down, Si Linyuan winked at Qianying.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue was going to go out in person, Qianying felt relieved, and cleared her throat immediately.

"Xuan, the third prince of the Four Seas City, Hai Wuling, and the fifth princess of the Phoenix City, Feng Longshuang—"

Qianying's words were like a cold knife, piercing into the happy and relaxed atmosphere of the entire banquet in an instant, causing the expressions on everyone's faces to freeze.

People from the royal families of Cosmopolitan and Phoenix?Why are they here now? !

There was silence for a while, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

The situation in the three cities is so tense now, if the two cities send people over at this time, I'm afraid the situation is not good!

They all clearly understood this point, everyone's faces were somewhat dignified, then they turned their heads and looked in the direction of the palace gate in unison.

I saw a man and a woman, wearing gorgeous robes, one blue and one red, with a bit of arrogance on their faces, walking in slowly.

The man in the blue robe has long sea-blue hair, a hint of femininity in his amber eyes, and a faint haze covering his face. When people look at him, they can feel his coldness like water. temperament.

And the woman in the red skirt has a hot figure, her black long hair is coiled into a delicate bun, and her pair of slender phoenix eyes are so charming that people can't help but want to bow down when they look at her Under her pomegranate skirt.

On the faces of this man and a woman, there are wild smiles, without the slightest humility to celebrate the birthday, but as if they have come to their own territory, their eyebrows and eyes are full of arrogance!
Behind the two of them, there were attendants who obediently pushed over two huge congratulatory gifts covered with red cloth, and the faint and sharp aura swept out from them, making people's hearts tremble!

"Greetings to King Shura." Immediately, Qi Qi bowed to Si Linyuan, and Hai Wuling spoke first, "This time, my father heard that King Shura was celebrating his birthday, so he specially invited the king of Phoenix City. Together, come to send congratulatory gifts to King Shura."

Humbly bowing to Si Linyuan above him, Hai Wuling's eyes flickered coldly.

"Sihai City is polite, but I don't need any congratulatory gifts. As long as you Sihai City is willing to settle down, then I will be happy." Hearing Hai Wuling's hypocritical words, Si Linyuan's eyes were full of tears. Thick and icy.

(End of this chapter)

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