Chapter 656 Fighting Spirit in Heart

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What a congratulatory gift, I'm afraid it's out of good intentions!

In addition, people from these two cities came here together, presumably they have already made a certain agreement, and now they are joining hands, just waiting to swallow up their Shura city!

"Oh, King Shura's words are being polite. We came here for the sake of harmony among the three cities. I also ask King Shura to accept our gift for the sake of the peace of the entire floating island." At this time, Feng Takishuang spoke in a charming and charming manner, while speaking, she did not forget to wink at Si Linyuan.

When Si Linyuan heard the words, he just smiled coldly, "The princess is wrong."

"Oh? Then I would like to ask King Shura, what is wrong with this princess?" Today, Feng Longshuang decided to pay attention to asking for trouble, so naturally she started to quarrel with Si Linyuan without fear.

"There is no peace in today's floating island, and there is no harmony between me, Shura City, and you." Si Linyuan said with a smile, but there was a strong murderous intent hidden in it. The expressions of the two people below changed slightly.

Among the three cities, Shura City has the best terrain and is like spring all year round, so its strength is undoubtedly the strongest. In addition, Si Linyuan's methods have always been frightening, so they came today to test Si Linyuan's current situation. What kind of attitude is the situation on the floating island?

Now it seems that Si Linyuan obviously doesn't want to maintain a superficial peace with them.

Si Linyuan is not a fool, he should be able to tell at a glance that the two cities have teamed up, but he still dares to say that, seriously, he is too contemptuous of people!
Thinking of this, Hai Wuling's face suddenly darkened, "What King Shura said, is it because he wants to start a war with our two cities?"

Hai Wuling's words are undoubtedly dangerous, making the atmosphere in the hall more condensed.

They all looked at Si Linyuan above, and the relatives and noble ministers present were waiting for Si Linyuan's attitude!

But after Hai Wuling's words fell, Si Linyuan's handsome face showed a cold smile, and the aura around him swept towards the two people below like a mountain top!

Not Si Linyuan's opponent at all, Hai Wuling and the two felt the heavy coercion sweeping over, pressing hard on their backs, making their chests feel tight, and their feet softened. The uncontrollable one fell to his knees.

The person who started the war is obviously the City of the Four Seas, but now Hai Wuling is a thief shouting to catch the thief, it is really unbearable!
"When you talk to me, remember to kneel down. You alone are not qualified to be rampant in front of me!" After saying these words coldly, Si Linyuan's gilt golden eyes narrowed fiercely, " As for the war, no matter how powerful or capable you are, I will accompany you, and we, Shura City, will not be afraid of anything!"

That extremely cold sentence immediately showed Si Linyuan's determination at the moment!

They have always been united as one, but now Si Linyuan's words instantly ignited the fighting spirit in everyone's hearts!
That's right, their Shura City has always swept the world without fear, because they have Si Linyuan, the king who can rule the world!They have always been the kings on the floating island, what about Universal City and Phoenix City, even if these two cities join forces, as long as their king is still there, then they can be fearless!
 Ask for a ticket and ask for a reward! !All kinds of begging~~ This door-to-door search for faults is here, don’t you guys work hard~!

  By the way, I also ask for support with the new article~~
(End of this chapter)

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