Chapter 670 Orderly
I couldn't help being a little curious, Haijing'er has never been a timid person, and immediately mobilized her spiritual power, wanting to test Ye Qianyue's strength.

However, Haijing'er's spiritual power just touched Ye Qianyue, and before he even had time to check Ye Qianyue's strength, a burst of fiery breath was accompanied by the sound of a phoenix, madly shaking Haijing'er's spirit. The power was torn to pieces!
"Hmm...!" Severe pain swept through, Hai Hai'er almost spat out a mouthful of blood, but immediately held back, her face was full of astonishment.

With such a fiery breath, who is this man in front of me! ?
However, when Haijinger looked towards Ye Qianyue, she was surprised to find that Ye Qianyue had already noticed her whereabouts, and those dark eyes that were as mysterious as black pearls carried people easily Frozen and cold, she was staring at her closely through the layers of curtains, as if those curtains could not stop the sharpness of her eyes, like a cold knife, with a touch of coldness.

Such a cold gaze, with a hint of arrogance in it, Hai Hai'er's heart skipped a beat when he saw it.

However, before Haijing'er could carefully see the hidden emotions in Ye Qianyue's eyes, Ye Qianyue gently raised the corners of her bright red lips.

The smile was like the spring breeze in March, melting the hard iceberg in an instant, and it was like a hundred flowers blooming, making Haijing'er suddenly understand what it means to be truly astonished.

However, Ye Qianyue's smile was fleeting, and she seemed to have chosen well, and then bent down to pick up a fist-sized, seemingly inconspicuous stone.

At first glance, it was the leftovers cut from a certain big rock. There was a smooth cut on this rough stone, which was very ordinary. At first glance, it was the kind of ordinary stone that no one would pick up even if it was thrown on the ground.

"Master, why did this person pick such a waste rock? There's no way there's anything good in that kind of rock." Originally, I hoped that Ye Qianyue would pick a better stone, but Qian Rong now sees Ye Qianyue. Qianyue actually only picked out a piece of broken stone that no one wanted to give away, and said with a little disappointment at the moment.

"..." Without answering Qianrong's words, Haijing'er stared straight at the stone in Ye Qianyue's hand.

Although she also thought it was just an ordinary stone, Hai Hai'er always felt that Ye Qianyue was not easy!
Thinking of this, Hao Haijing'er couldn't help feeling a little hotter in her heart, "The stone will start soon, we'll just have to wait and see."

It was rare to see Hai Hai'er's eyes shining brightly, Qian Rong looked at Ye Qianyue's exquisite face, and instantly understood something.

Time passed, the sun was setting, and soon it was evening.

"I announce that the time is up. All contestants are invited to bring the stones they have selected and step forward one by one to open the stones. The person with the best stones will be the champion of this competition! When the time comes, the host of our stone betting conference will A big gift will be prepared for the champion!"

After listening to the host's words, everyone was eager to try and waited for the result of the competition with great anticipation.

As the host of this stone gambling conference, Haijing'er had no intention of caring about other people, her enchanting eyes fell on Ye Qianyue from the air, and she couldn't move away for a long time.

The whole process of opening stones was carried out in an orderly manner, and soon, pieces of delicate and moving gemstones or spirit stones were displayed in front of everyone one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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