Chapter 671 The old man did it!
Among them, all kinds of gemstones and emeralds are dizzying, and some energy spars that are more precious than gemstones are also available. The ones that are more precious than energy spars are spirit stones of various attributes.

Compared with crystal stones, this kind of spirit stones that only appear on planes above the Canghe Continent has a very special function.

For example, a fire-attribute spirit stone can directly summon flames. Although it can't last for too long, as long as you carry the spirit stone with you, it is equivalent to an additional attribute of energy. For anyone, Undoubtedly a good thing!
And among them, the water-type spirit stone is what makes everyone in the Four Seas City want to stop it the most!

Four Seas City is short of water all the year round. Although Bihaizhu is there to help, the situation of water shortage still exists. If a water-type spirit stone can appear at this time, many problems can be easily solved!

It's just that things like spirit stones are very precious, and other attributes are hard to see, let alone water-type spirit stones, and even if spirit stones appear, they are still very small. If you want to get precious water-type spirit stones Lingshi is simply harder than climbing to the sky!
The stone opening was still going on, and soon, an old man who looked very proud ordered someone to move up a huge stone.

It is as tall as a person, and the surface of the stone is beating with a moving luster, which immediately attracts everyone's attention.

"Look, it's the old man of Lingyan!"

"Oh my god, how could he, an old monster, appear here?"

"You are stupid. He has won four consecutive stone betting competitions before. As long as he can win this time, he will be able to win the competition for five consecutive times. There will definitely be a lot of rewards at that time. How can he win such a good opportunity? Will let it go!"


Listening to the sound of discussion coming from around, the old man named Lingyan was obviously very proud.

It is not an easy task to be the champion of the Stone Gambling Contest four times in a row, and the old man of Lingyan believes that he will be the champion this time!

At that time, he will become the favorite of all the forces, and he can grab whatever he wants!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the old man in Lingyan suddenly sparkled with excitement, and then he immediately took out the jade knife made of jade, and shouted excitedly to everyone, "Okay, let the old man open your eyes next. !"

After saying this, the old man in Lingyan moved his sword up and down, and carefully opened the huge rough stone.

The jade knife infused with thought power was exceptionally sharp, and when it was cut gently, the useless ordinary stone was cut off, and the incision was extremely regular.

However, the old man of Lingyan kept cutting and cutting until he finally cut the Rengao stone into the size of two fists, but he still couldn't cut it out.

Can't wait any longer, other people are opening stones one by one, but they still don't have water-type spirit stones.

And as the stone in his hand became smaller and smaller, there were bursts of doubtful discussions in the ears of the old man Lingyan.

Immediately, he felt a little uneasy, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on the back of the old man of Lingyan. Then he simply closed his eyes, and cut the stone in half from the middle.

There was only a small 'crash' sound, followed by a little bit of cool water splashing out from the stones!
"Hahaha, it's water-type spirit stones! This old man did it! Hahaha, as expected this time the champion is still my own! Hurry up and announce that this time I'm the champion!" Looking at the little water-type spirit stones among them, Lingyan The old man activated his thoughts, and a stream of water that could not even fill a wine jug flowed out, and everyone who watched it widened their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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