Chapter 672
Although only a little water can flow out, everyone knows that when people are short of water, this sip of water is enough to save lives!

Moreover, water-type spirit stones are so precious, and now they appear, everyone can't suppress the excitement in their hearts, and they praised the old man of Lingyan full of praise.

"Master, it's really a water-type spirit stone! How long has it been since we saw a water-type spirit stone? It seems that this time the champion belongs to the old man of spirit rock!" Qianrong saw the water-type spirit stone, and was excited Shouted to Haihaier.

"Have you finished opening the stone?" Haijing'er looked at the water-type spirit stone, and couldn't help being excited, but she still remembered that Ye Qianyue hadn't opened the stone yet!

I always feel that Ye Qianyue is not simple, Hai Jing'er said so, watching Ye Qianyue move her thin lips lightly.

"Wait a minute, my stone hasn't been opened yet." Qinglie's voice is more exciting than Lingshi's. The melodious tone is between a man and a woman. trembled, and then looked at Ye Qianyue in unison.

As early as when Ye Qianyue entered the door, everyone had already noticed her. It was only because of the icy aura around Ye Qianyue that people didn't dare to approach her, so they didn't dare to provoke her. Everyone thought that she just picked a stone to play with, but they didn't think that she actually wanted to open a stone?
Thinking of this, everyone turned their eyes in unison, looking at the stone in Ye Qianyue's hand.

However, it is the size of a palm, round, but not gray. At first glance, it looks like a piece of leftover material that is the most inferior and unhandy. , It’s also my own stealth to open the stone, why would I not ask the public to open the stone, this, isn’t this self-inflicted humiliation?

When the old man in Lingyan was proud, he looked at Ye Qianyue contemptuously, and sneered, "Little baby, don't think that you can pick a good stone with a pretty face. With the old man's 60 years of experience in stone mining Look, there is nothing inside the rock in your hand, the old man advises you not to come up and shame yourself!"

As if she didn't hear the elder Lingyan's ridicule, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes rolled a little sharply, "Who is ashamed, you will know when you open the stone."

"Hmph, arrogance! Well, since you're boasting so much, the old man wants to see what good things you can find out of that broken rock of yours!" He has always been arrogant, but now he has hit a snag at Ye Qianyue. , How can the old man of Lingyan bear it, he snorted coldly, and handed the jade knife in his hand to Ye Qianyue with a sneer, "Here, open it quickly! Let us also see and see, what is self-inflicted humiliation! "

There was a cold gleam in the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue's smile was so beautiful, the old man Lingyan was startled, and even the smile on his face stiffened a little.

I don't know why, but the old man in Lingyan suddenly felt uneasy. He felt that he had offended some serious person in a daze...

Instead of picking up the jade handed over by the old man in Lingyan, Ye Qianyue's lips curled up into an unruly smile, and she raised her plain white palm, and the strong power of thought condensed on it directly hit the piece of jade that was spurned by everyone. There was a crisp sound on the leftover material.

 Today's [-]th update is also over~
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~ ask for a reward, ask for a reward~~~
(End of this chapter)

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