Chapter 673

And just when everyone was ready to laugh out loud, a burst of dazzling blue light swept out crazily along with the rising rain and fog, and everything it passed was covered with a thick layer of water vapor .

"Oh my god, look! It's raining!" Someone suddenly shouted, everyone raised their heads in disbelief, watching the rain and fog condense on the quarry, the crackling rain was like small pebbles , crazily smashed towards the people below, the fine and dense raindrops seemed to be beating on the hearts of the people, making them all widen their eyes in astonishment, watching the thin layer of stone fall off, revealing the That round and smooth water spirit stone.

Among the spirit stones, a blue dragon with the color of the sea is condensed in it, and there is a trace of awe-inspiring domineering in it, and thick water mist keeps swarming out of it, with a trace of fairy breath, permeating everyone. All drenched with rain.

"This, this is the treasure of the water-type spirit stone, the blue dragon?!" The old man Lingyan stretched out his finger and pointed at the blue dragon spirit stone that was shining brightly in Ye Qianyue's hand. Stared out!
The fine and dense raindrops fell one by one, and then half a meter away from Ye Fei, they were all evaporated into nothingness in an instant, and Ye Qianyue was not contaminated at all.

Even her hair wasn't messed up in the slightest, and the corner of Ye Qianyue's mouth curled up into a proud smile, urging her thoughts to control the blue dragon spirit stone, and retracted all the countless rain and fog into the spirit stone.

It can be retracted freely, and it can rain out of thin air with a single movement of the mind. Such a terrifying and mysterious power can only be achieved by the most advanced water-type spirit stone, the blue dragon!
For the blue dragon species, the more realistic the shape of the dragon, the greater the power in it, and the blue dragon in Ye Qianyue's hand is lifelike, like a living thing, and everyone who sees it has a touch of shock and greed in their eyes , looking at that night Qianyue with eyes like torches.

Completely different from the rain-soaked look of everyone, Ye Qianyue is still so cool and beautiful.

Cool as a lotus, such a handsome man, coupled with a pair of amazing eyes, it's hard not to be attractive!
The old man Lingyan sat on the side blankly, his face was full of astonishment at the moment, he was obviously stunned.

At this moment, Ye Qianyue lightly grasped the blue dragon spirit stone in her hand, raised her eyebrows slightly like a scimitar, and there was a strong hint of sarcasm in her sharpness, "It seems that your so-called 60 years of experience is really true!" Can't get on the stage."

Ye Qianyue's voice was not loud, but it was enough for the astonished people below to hear clearly, and it made the face of the old man in Lingyan flush with anger, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood directly while clutching his chest!

Contempt, this is the capital that only the absolute strong can have, enough to despise everyone. At this moment, Ye Qianyue gave the old man of Lingyan a resounding slap in the most direct way, which made the old man of Lingyan angry He almost felt overwhelmed, and was helped to get off the stage.

"Master, that young master is really amazing! Our royal family has held stone gambling competitions for so many years, and this is the first time that such a high-level water-type spirit stone as the blue dragon species has appeared!" Qianrong was obviously very excited, and turned his head. Shouting happily at Haijing'er, he quickly turned his head to look at her, but immediately met Haijing'er's eyes full of strange emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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