Chapter 674

As if completely attracted, Hai Hai'er's eyes were full of sun, moon and stars, "This person is really not simple."

"Master, we should do more to win over such a genius. It would be a pity if someone snatched us away too late." Qianrong walked over with a smile, and said to Haijing'er with a light smile, "Besides, The young master seems to like her very much..."

"You little girl, don't talk nonsense!" Suddenly, Haijing'er bit her lower lip lightly, "Qianrong, you go and send a message to this young master, inviting her to come over tonight." get together."

Hearing this, Qian Rong chuckled lightly, then obediently withdrew.

No one doesn't like a handsome and powerful man. Hai Jing'er really has a good impression of Ye Qianyue, but she is not an idiot, she can't fall in love with someone at first sight, so she asks Ye Qianyue to come out for a while. Gathering, the most important purpose is to win her over.

Now the relationship between the three cities is already very tense, if they can win over a strong man like Ye Qianyue at this time, it will also be of great benefit to Sihai City itself.

Who knows that Ye Qianyue is not only a woman, but also the future queen of Shura City. If Haijing'er knew at this moment, she wouldn't do such a stupid thing to lure a wolf into the house if she was killed!
But here, the staff presiding over the meeting were all stunned, and it was not until Ye Qianyue's cold eyes swept over them that they finally came back to their senses.

Looking at Ye Qianyue's eyes suddenly became hot, the staff member's face was full of bright smiles, and then looked at Ye Qianyue with a smile and asked, "Master, congratulations on winning the championship of this conference. You also need to ask the son's name."

"Qianye." Said these two words lightly, Ye Qianyue would not be so stupid as to say her real name.

"Then I announce that the champion of this stone betting competition is Mr. Qianye!"

After the words fell, there was an almost crazy applause from below.

Among the crowd, Ye Qianyue stood coldly and arrogantly on the high platform, her eyes were misty like clouds, making it hard to see what she was thinking at the moment.

Seeing that the organizer of the conference brought up all the prepared gifts, Ye Qianyue casually put away all those things, and then her eyes fell lightly on one of the sea blue bronzing posts.

"My lord, this is an invitation post from our master. I would like to invite you to have a party at night." The maid who brought the prize was the light velvet beside Hai Hai'er. Qian Yue said.

"Who is your master?" Ye Qianyue asked in a low voice when there was a lot of voices around.

"Princess Jing." Qian Rong leaned forward and replied softly.

A dark light flashed across the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue nodded slightly, then turned and left without hesitation.

Ye Qianyue did not show any impatientness after being summoned by the princess. Ye Qianyue was indifferent from the beginning to the end, even ignoring those who offered to buy the blue dragon spirit stone, and went straight out of the venue of the stone gambling conference, leaving A group of people who were completely amazed by her.

"Quick! Find out who this Qianye is, and no matter what method you think of, you must win her over!" Looking at Ye Qianyue's back, someone shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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