Chapter 675

"Bah! This Qianye will definitely become ours, so don't think about it!"


Looking at the people below who were still following Ye Qianyue even after being ignored like that by Ye Qianyue, a smile appeared on the corner of Haijing'er's lips, "It's obviously so cold and arrogant, but it doesn't make people feel disgusted, really. An irresistible man..."

Speaking of this, Hai Jing'er thought of Ye Qianyue's touching smile that seemed to melt the iceberg just now, and her face couldn't help but feel a little hot, and then, with a bit of impatience, she quickly ordered people to prepare the carriage, very early in advance He rushed to the place agreed with Ye Qianyue.


Here, Ye Qianyue walked out of the venue quickly, her steps moved slightly, and she quickly got rid of those who were closely behind her and tried to win her over.

Looking down at the post in her hand, Ye Qianyue's lips curled into an expected smile.

Rumor has it that Bihaizhu needs the mermaid blood in Haijing'er's body to drive it. As long as she can win her trust, it will only be a matter of time before she breaks into the city of Four Seas.

However, looking at the gaze that Hai Haier cast on her, it seems that it is not just as simple as valuing her...

Thinking that this would also have such benefits, Ye Qianyue was thinking about taking a stroll around here, but suddenly saw an old man in a silver-white robe.

The silver-white robe was so obvious that Ye Qianyue raised her eyebrows involuntarily.

I saw that the old man's face had a bit of natural fierceness, and his eyes were black and shiny, as if he was looking for something.

The people of the temple, have they already found this place...

Knowing that it would be bad after all if she bumped into someone in the temple, Ye Qianyue was about to turn around and change the direction, but saw the old man's eyes sweeping over her face seemingly casually, and then her eyes lit up , Staring at himself suddenly!
Obviously having confirmed his identity, the old man's face suddenly showed a bit of ferocity, and he rushed towards her quickly!
Oops, exposed!

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue didn't panic, but her eyes became a little more solemn, and then she turned slightly, turned around and walked towards the depths of the crowd.

The pace seemed careless, as if he could catch up in the next second, but every time he was about to catch up, she slipped away again!
Seeing Ye Qianyue's white figure move further and further away, the old man's eyes were full of anxiety!
It was Ye Qianyue, with such an alluring face, he would definitely not admit it!
Now the temple has already wanted Ye Qianyue, as long as she can be caught, it goes without saying that she will be rich and rich, the most important thing is to be able to sit on the priesthood of the temple!
Although it is not as good as the position of the high priest, the position of this priest can be compared with the son of God and the goddess, which is really an attractive reward! !
Seeing that he turned around and got into an uninhabited alley, the old man Wu Bai suddenly had a blazing murderous light in his eyes, and quickly followed Ye Qianyue into the alley!

"Ye Qianyue, hurry up and get out of this old man!" After saying this loudly, Elder Wu Bai looked at the empty alley in front of him, and immediately laughed grimly, "Don't hide, there is this old man here, you must die here today!" here!"

"I brought you here not to hide from being found by you, but to block you and prevent you from escaping." At this moment, Ye Qianyue's cold voice sounded from behind the old witch, making the old witch A flash of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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