Chapter 676 What the hell is this?
Suddenly there was a burst of cold air behind him, and the elder Wu Bai turned around quickly, and met Ye Qianyue's cold face all of a sudden.

"Ye Qianyue, don't be too rampant! As long as you are willing to go back to the temple with me obediently, I can spare your life!" The elder Wu Bai looked at Ye Qianyue's white robe, and felt that she looked like It was extraordinarily cold, and the aura was even thicker to the point of frightening!

As early as after entering the floating island, she broke through the Nian Zun barrier, and Ye Qianyue, who is now a junior Nian Zun, is naturally stronger than before.

"You are willing to spare me, but I don't want to spare you." Knowing that everything she had done must have been exposed, Ye Qianyue didn't feel the slightest panic.

When the fire dragon crystal was stolen, Ye Qianyue knew that the fire could not be wrapped in paper, and it would only be a matter of time before it was exposed.

Moreover, the exposure was much later than she thought.

"You are so crazy, do you know what will happen if you fight against our temple!?" As he said that, the old witch quickly activated the fire element power in his body, and a pale yellow flame instantly rose from the palm of his hand , "Since you refuse to obediently punish me, then don't blame the old man for being rude to you!"

"You see my identity today, not because I'm unlucky, but because you deserve to die." Ye Qianyue looked at Elder Wu Bai with cold eyes as if looking at a dead person, and raised her hand and snapped her fingers .

The fiery red and golden Phoenix Soul Fire swept out immediately, making the city that was dry all year round even more scorching hot.

The scorching breath swept over, forcing the elder Wu to take a step back.

There was only a 'poof', and a fiery breath came, which made the elder Wu widen his eyes in astonishment.

The terrible high temperature swept over, and the clothes of Elder Wu were actually ignited!
"Ah!! What the hell is this!" Panicked, he wanted to extinguish the flames, and Elder Wu fell to the ground and kept rolling, trying to extinguish the flames.

"It's useless, my Phoenix Soul Fire, unless I order it, otherwise, it will continue to burn even if it is submerged in water."

Ye Qianyue's cold words came from next to his ear, and at this moment, Baibai Wu finally felt the approach of death!

"Don't! Help, help...!" Shrieking in fright, before Elder Wu Bai could finish his words, the Phoenix Soul Fire directly followed his mouth and penetrated into his body!

With a sound of 'boom', the flames rose up directly, and then instantly swallowed the whole body of Wu Bailao, burning him into nothingness in an instant!
Looking at all this with indifferent eyes, Ye Qianyue waved her hand directly, and a trace of Phoenix Soul Fire rolled up the ring worn by Elder Wu Bai, and sent it to her.

It was very easy to erase the spiritual imprint of the elder witch on it. Ye Qianyue probed it a little bit, but was surprised to find that there are many good things in this ring!

This old witch is the elder of the temple's alchemy, so it goes without saying the prescriptions and ingredients on his body, the most important thing is the big tripod.

The entire body of the giant tripod is a dark green color, and countless plants are drawn on it. From a distance, there is a burst of vitality among the tumbling silver light!

"This is the Shennong Cauldron?!" After confirming the divine cauldron in front of her almost instantly, Ye Qianyue's lips evoked a bright smile.

(End of this chapter)

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