Chapter 677

Shennong Ding, one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, it goes without saying that it is used to refine medicine, the most rare thing is the powerful vitality contained in it!

It is rumored that as long as the seeds of medicinal materials or medicinal materials that have not yet reached the age are put into the Shennong Cauldron, the seeds will take root and germinate in a short time, and grow rapidly. Even the age of ordinary medicinal materials can be greatly increased!

Knowing that the Shennong Ding must not only have such effects, Ye Qianyue thought of this, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on the corners of her lips.

She never thought that she would get such a good treasure by accident. Ye Qianyuexin said that the deal was not a loss, and her eyes were full of excitement at the moment, and she quickly left this place of right and wrong.


At the same time, inside the temple headquarters.

"What did you say?! Elder Wu's soul card is broken!" The high priest slammed the table with fierce murderous intent at the moment, and roared angrily, "What the hell is going on, good man! How to say die is dead!"

The soul card and the soul are bound to each other, unless the soul is destroyed, the soul card will never be broken!
The strength of Elder Wu Bai is not low, the person who can kill him so easily, could it be...

"Could it be that Ye Qianyue did it?" The high priest immediately thought of Ye Qianyue, and there was a strong look of danger in his eyes!
Frightened by the murderous look of the high priest, the servants below were so frightened that they trembled, "This subordinate doesn't know either, but only knows that Elder Wubai died in the Four Seas City."

"Didn't Ye Qianyue go to Shura City? How could she have something to do with Sihai City again!" the high priest said angrily, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Well, this subordinate doesn't know either!" Trembling from the terrifying murderous aura around the high priest, the subordinate said tremblingly, "But Shura City and Universal City are both on the floating island, Ye Qian It is not difficult for Yue to go to Cosmopolitan City."

Apparently thinking that what his subordinates said made sense, the high priest narrowed his eyes fiercely, and thought about it seriously, "No matter what it is, in short, you send me out now, and go immediately Four Seas City, track down Ye Qianyue's whereabouts!"

"Yes, this subordinate takes orders." He couldn't help but heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart. The subordinate was afraid that he would be involved if he stayed too long, so he left quickly.

"Ye Qianyue! This priest will never let you go!" He forcefully forced such a sentence through his teeth, the high priest said so, waved his hand fiercely, and instantly knocked over his side A huge vase to calm the anger in my heart!


Already clearly aware that she had angered the temple, Ye Qianyue had made such preparations from the beginning, so naturally she would not be trembling because of it now.

Soon the night fell and the lights came on. It was already the time agreed with Haijinger.

Arriving at Jiuxiang Building, the busiest place in Four Seas City, after Ye Qianyue handed out the post, she was respectfully invited upstairs.

The Jiuxiang Building is a piece of luxury, and the people who can dine here are not relatives of the emperor, but also rich and powerful daughters.

Looking at the almost extravagant everything, Ye Qianyue remained calm and was quickly invited to the private room on the third floor.

(End of this chapter)

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