The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 686 Didn't eat enough in the morning?

Chapter 686 Didn't eat enough in the morning?

"My lord, you have to be careful in everything!" Hai Jing'er was particularly worried about Ye Qianyue's safety, for fear that she would let Ye Qianyue, a perfect person, run away.

Seeing Ye Qianyue nod her head gently, Hai Jing'er finally let go of her reluctantly, and then sat down next to Hai Zhenyun.

"Qianye, I won't make things difficult for you, as long as you can survive ten moves under Wan Jiang's hands, I will count you as the winner." Hai Zhenyun looked at Ye Qianyue's height, which was only up to Wan Jiang's chest, Looking at her cold and thin appearance, I feel that Wan Jiang can directly beat Ye Qianyue to the ground with one punch!
However, he had already told Wan Jiang to be merciful in advance, so there must be no trouble.

"Your Majesty is being polite." With a soft snort, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes gradually turned a little cold, "Today, if I can't solve this person within three moves, then I will give my name , write it upside down."

"Hahaha, I'm the most powerful person among the younger generation in the Four Seas City. No one can beat me. It's too arrogant for you to say that!" Wan Jiang obviously looked down on Ye Qianyue He immediately snorted disdainfully, raised his eyebrows and asked.

"They can't beat you, it only means that they are too weak, not that you are strong." The whole person is as cold as iceberg snow lotus, Ye Qianyue looks at Wanjiang, and gently narrows her eyes, "As for Arrogance, I have always been like this, if you are not convinced, I advise you to hold back obediently."

"Hmph, what arrogance!" With a cold snort, the muscles on Wan Jiang's face twitched ferociously, and then, as if he was completely irritated by Ye Qianyue, the thought power of the rock system around him surged crazily, and he slapped fiercely. He punched Ye Qianyue in the face!
Seeing that Wan Jiang still dared to retain his strength, Ye Qianyue let out a cold snort of disdain, and several silver needles appeared on his fingertips instantly.

Raising his hand seemingly casually, the needle as thin as a cow's hair rushed out in Ye Qianyue's hand, and then submerged into the acupuncture point on Wan Jiang's arm in an instant.

"Ah!!" The fiery tingling sensation came crazily, causing a sharp soreness in Wan Jiang's arm, which made him break out in a cold sweat and let out a scream.

"The fist is so soft, is it because you didn't eat enough in the morning?" There was a hint of sarcasm in the cold words, and the disdain in Ye Qianyue's slender eyes immediately deeply stimulated Wan Jiang !

"Damn it! I want you to pay for your arrogance!" With a roar, Wan Jiang kicked up and threw Ye Qianyue head-on.

"Young Master, be careful!" Seeing Wan Jiang's flying kick, Hai Jing'er was startled, and at the same time her face darkened, she shouted, "Wan Jiang, are you crazy?! If you hurt Young master, this princess will definitely take you as a questioner!"

Clearly feeling that Wan Jiang was using all his strength at this moment, Hai Jing'er was startled and shouted nervously.

Beside Haijing'er, Haizhenyun had a shocked expression on his face!

Haijing'er may not be able to see it, but Hai Zhenyun can see it very clearly. He clearly sensed Wan Jiang's shaking, and even felt Ye Qianyue's strength!

Even though Wan Jiang didn't use all his strength in that punch just now, the power was still not small, but Ye Qianyue easily subdued him with only two silver needles. This kind of strength is really terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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