Chapter 687

Thinking in his heart that they may have really picked up the treasure this time, Hai Zhenyun's eyes suddenly became hot.

But here, Ye Qianyue watched Wan Jiang's kick indifferently, without any expression on her face.

Looking at Wan Jiang's expression was like looking at a dead person, Ye Qianyue flicked her fingertips lightly, and several silver needles as thin as cow hair swept out immediately, and then nailed Wan Jiang heavily with a bit of ferocity. The slightly lime-white hard skin.

Even though his skin was as hard as a stone at the moment, Wan Jiang still couldn't resist Ye Qianyue's silver needle at all. He let out a scream, and then felt in horror that his entire thigh seemed to be burned, constantly There were bursts of sharp pain!
Looking carefully, the ox hair fine needle Ye Qianyue uses is not an ordinary silver needle. There are bursts of flame-like red light beating faintly on the silver needle, and bursts of astonishing hot breath are constantly flowing from it. Infiltrated out!

What Xiangye Qianyue used in her hands was not an ordinary silver needle, but a phoenix fire needle that contained the energy of the phoenix soul fire.

This kind of phoenix fire needle is condensed with the power of phoenix soul fire, and it contains extremely terrifying energy, which is definitely not something Wan Jiang can resist!
There were bursts of sharp pain from the place where the phoenix fire needle was pierced, and Wan Jiang wailed in pain, his feet softened and he fell to his knees directly.

Looking at Wan Jiang's painful look indifferently, Ye Qianyue's face was indifferent. With a wave of her hand, the Phoenix Fire Needle appeared in Zaza's hand, and then with absolute sharpness, she ruthlessly aimed at Wan Jiang. Jiang stabbed between the eyebrows.

"My lord, please be merciful!" Just now, he noticed the strength of the phoenix fire needle in Ye Qianyue's hand, and Hai Zhenyun was afraid that Ye Qianyue would kill Wan Jiang directly in a fit of anger, so he yelled out in shock.

Wan Jiang is the strongest person of the younger generation in Universal City, it would be a pity if he just died like this!

After Hai Zhenyun's words fell, Ye Qianyue's hand movements also stopped abruptly.

The phoenix fire needle had already pierced the skin between Wan Jiang's eyebrows, and it was only a hair's breadth away from piercing his head, taking his life completely!

Completely frightened and dumbfounded, Wan Jiang kept trembling crazily, as if sifting chaff, raised his head in horror, and looked at Ye Qianyue's handsome face.

The whole person is as cold as an iceberg snow lotus, Ye Qianyue has no expression on her face, but her dark eyes are full of deep colors, and there are bursts of cold killing intent constantly beating in them.

"If you don't admit defeat, die." Looking at Wan Jiang's trembling look, Ye Qianyue looked at him, the killing intent in her eyes didn't diminish in any way!

I just feel that Ye Qianyue is like a god of death at this moment, and Wan Jiang swallows his saliva tremblingly!

Ye Qianyue is serious, if she doesn't admit defeat, even if Hai Zhenyun pleads for him personally, Ye Qianyue will not let him live!
"I admit defeat, it's me, I lost, please spare my life..." Wan Jiang was completely frightened, and even kowtowed to Ye Qianyue, trembling in horror.

"Worthless." Ye Qianyue coldly watched Wan Jiang kneeling and begging for mercy, then withdrew the Phoenix Fire Needle in her hand, turned around and jumped off the competition stage lightly.

This is the kind of person she despises the most.

(End of this chapter)

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