Chapter 690

Everyone was happy and elated, but Hai Hai'er still had a reserved look on her face, "The banquet has already started, young master, will you go with me?"

"The princess is kindly inviting, and Qianye dare not refuse." Facing Haijing'er, Ye Qianyue's lips curled into a smile, but the smile didn't reach her eyes and was icy cold.

"You and I are getting married tomorrow, you don't need to be so polite." At the end of the speech, Haijing'er pretended to be shy and looked at Ye Qianyue.

"Princess, please." After hearing Haijing'er's words, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes were filled with clarity, and she raised her hand slightly, making a gesture of invitation to Haijing'er.

Seeing the almost perfect man beside her, Hai Hai'er had a full smile on her face, let the maid behind her lift up the long skirt for her, and walked towards the place where the banquet was.

As soon as she entered the venue, Ye Qianyue received everyone's amazed gaze.

For a moment, everyone thought in a trance that they had seen a goblin transformed from a lotus flower.

Compared with the cumbersome and complicated people present, Ye Qianyue is only dressed in a white robe, but it sets off her whole body to be more and more cold and proud, like the most beautiful thing in the world, with a trace of natural indifference in her gestures , The beauty makes people feel thrilling.

Obviously she came to attend the banquet, but Ye Qianyue didn't show any expression on her face at the moment.

If this expression is placed on others, it is cold and arrogant, but it is so suitable for Ye Qianyue, as if she was born with this expression.

It is obviously beautiful like a woman, but it does not appear to be a woman's squeamishness. On the contrary, it is always graceful, which makes all the women in the banquet blush.

Proud as a peacock with its tail open, Hai Hai'er doesn't mind at all that Ye Qianyue takes away all of her demeanor.

Anyway, Ye Qianyue is also her husband, these people submit to Ye Qianyue's feet, just like submitting to her feet!

Thinking of this proudly, Haijinger graciously took Ye Qianyue to the seat.

"Everyone, the Japanese princess is getting married tomorrow. Today, I would like to invite you all to have a special gathering. Please don't be restrained and just entertain yourself." With a joy like spring breeze, one can feel how happy she is at the moment at a glance!
"The princess and the son-in-law are a perfect match, a match made in heaven!"

"Yes, I really want to congratulate the princess and the son-in-law for their happy marriage!"

"Before I heard that the son-in-law was astonished as a heavenly man, but now that I see it, it is indeed so!"


And after listening to Hai Hai'er's words, everyone who had been in a daze all this time finally came back to their senses at this moment, and flattering words came out one after another, one after another, boasting that Hai Hai'er was smiling like a smile. It's like a flower.

Sitting in her seat all the time, Ye Qianyue lightly raised her wine glass, and soon saw many people who wanted to flatter them, one after another, walked forward quickly, offering themselves and the sea view Toast.

She has never been allergic to alcohol. Although Ye Qianyue is not good at drinking, she can calmly drink a thousand glasses without getting drunk.

As for Haijing'er, she looked so happy at the moment, no matter who was toasting, she would drink it with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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