Chapter 691 Take Her Down to Rest
Haijing'er usually likes to drink, but today she was happy, so she drank more than usual, so she soon became drunk.

Seeing Haijing'er getting drunk, Ye Qianyue thought that it would be more convenient for her to ask questions if she got drunk, so she didn't stop those who were toasting.

"There are so many concubines, so many!" Seeing that Ye Qianyue seemed cold, but in fact, no one would refuse a toast, everyone immediately became interested, and they were all using the pretext of toasting to observe Ye Qian closely Yue's almost perfect appearance.

The closer they got, the more surprised everyone was when they discovered the perfection of Ye Qianyue's appearance.

After several toasts, Hai Hai'er was so drunk that he passed out.

Estimated that the time was almost up, Ye Qianyue was about to tentatively ask Haijinger where the Bihaizhu was, but she saw the sea blue bead on Haijinger's neck at a glance.

Compared with the blue dragon spar made into a bracelet by Hai Hai'er and worn on the wrist, the sea-blue bead seems to contain more pure energy. It looks shimmering from a distance, and it seems faintly A burst of sound like waves could be heard coming from it.

Transparent like the color of the deep sea, Ye Qianyue only thought that the bead looked extraordinarily beautiful.

Although she didn't get along with Haijing'er for a long time, Ye Qianyue found that Haijing'er always wore a high collar that could cover this necklace. Today, I don't know if it's for looking good or what, Haijing'er rarely showed her exquisite beauty The collarbone, by the way, also revealed this incomparably mysterious and beautiful bead.

"The sea-blue bead on the princess's neck looks very delicate." Ye Qianyue said softly when she clearly felt that the sea-blue bead was not simple.

"En? Are you talking about this one?" After hearing what Ye Qianyue said, Hai Hai'er, who was completely drunk, picked out the sea blue bead in a daze.

With a smug smile on her face, Hai Hai'er's face seemed to be smeared with rouge, and her whole body looked bright red.

"Since, since the young master is about to become my husband, I might as well tell the young master." He sent the bead in his hand to Ye Qianyue like a treasure, and Haijing'er said with a big tongue, "This one , that is, in the royal family of the entire Universal City, only I can activate the Bihaizhu..."

Ye Qianyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she didn't expect that the Bihaizhu that she had been looking for had been worn by Haijing'er so directly around her neck.

If she had known that Haijing'er had been carrying Bi Haizhu all along, why would she have to go to such great lengths to sneak into the palace of the Universal City, and she didn't need to stay with Haijing'er all the time to waste time, on the first day she met Haijing'er At night, you can directly roll up Bihaizhu and run away!
But it's not too late now, Ye Qianyue showed a perfect smile immediately.

Ben had been secretly observing Ye Qianyue, but at this moment when she smiled like this, the souls of everyone present were taken away by her.

"The princess is drunk, I'll take her down to rest." After saying this lightly, Ye Qianyue hugged the princess directly, and carried Haijing'er away.

"Look, it's true love for the consort who cares about the princess!"

"That's right, the son-in-law is very lucky. She must have captured the princess's heart in this way."

(End of this chapter)

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