Chapter 693 is not a good person

"It's been tricked! We've been tricked! That Qianye is really not a good person, Bihaizhu must have been stolen by her!" Hai Zhenyun was so angry that he was about to go berserk. Spit out fire, "Send someone to chase after me! Bring Bi Haizhu back to me immediately. As for that man named Qianye, if you meet him, kill me immediately! Divide her into pieces!"

Hearing that Hai Zhenyun was going to kill Ye Qianyue, Hai Jing'er became anxious immediately, knelt and moved to Hai Zhenyun's feet, crying and grabbed Hai Zhenyun's trousers, "Father, you can't kill her, if she Dead, what should Jinger do?!"

"You still have the face to mention it?!" The whole person was in a rage, Hai Zhenyun was in a hurry, and immediately let out a roar of incomparable anger, then raised his slap with gritted teeth, and hit him hard. Seaview's face.

With a crisp sound of 'pa', Hai Zhen'er uttered a miserable scream, and half of her face was distorted by Hai Zhenyun.

Straight away spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with broken teeth, Hai Jing'er's eyes were blackened by Hai Zhenyun's slap, and she was extremely shocked in her heart!

Ever since she was a child, Hai Jing'er has been Hai Zhenyun's apple of the eye. She has never seen Hai Zhenyun so angry, and she has never been beaten like this! !
A strong impact swept across, Hai Jing'er looked at Hai Zhenyun's appearance like a raging wild beast, and was so frightened that her whole body trembled like sifting chaff!
It's scary, her father looks really scary! !

"Get out! Get out of here! If you can't find the Bihaizhu, I will ask you!" Thinking that it was Haijing'er who lured the wolf into the house, and was carelessly stolen by Ye Qianyue, Hai Zhenyun's entire popularity was about to explode. Crazy, "Hurry up and get out!!"

Completely frightened by Hai Zhenyun's stern words at the moment, Hai Jing'er dared to be disobedient, and immediately let out a scream from the throat, and then rushed out quickly with the whole person, for fear that Hai Zhenyun would become angry from embarrassment , I will be torn into pieces by him directly!
"Send me all the men, and we must catch Qianye!" With a roar, Hai Zhenyun had no idea that Qianye was pretending to be a woman named Ye Qianyue, let alone that this woman was Shura. The future queen of the city...
As for Shura City, the news that Ye Qianyue acquired the Bihaizhu, a treasure handed down from the Four Seas City by herself, quietly spread throughout the entire royal palace of Shura City.

Naturally, he would not be so stupid as to announce this matter to the world. In Shura City, only some veteran officials knew about it.

The attitude towards Ye Qianyue was much better at first, but now that Ye Qianyue won the first battle, he directly took away the water source of Sihai City as soon as he made a move, so that those ministers who originally only agreed with Ye Qianyue's attitude towards her , completely transformed into deep admiration.

Such a woman, even if her background is not high, so what, such an amazing talent is enough to make up for any of her shortcomings!
What's more, the so-called noble birth is just a nice way of saying it. In fact, it is not of much use.

"This time, I have worked hard on the Queen. Thank you Queen for being willing to take action in person. The old ministers really admire me." In the imperial study room of the Shura City Palace, a group of relatives and noble ministers headed by Gu Xiangyun changed their presumptuous attitude before. Kneeling respectfully in front of Ye Qianyue, she said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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