The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 694 Isn't the Gain Worth the Loss?

Chapter 694 Isn't the Gain Worth the Loss?
"The affairs of Shura City are my affairs. This is what I should do. You don't have to be so polite, you all get up." Sitting leisurely while drinking tea, Ye Qianyue's face With a friendly smile, he said to Gu Xiangyun and others who were kneeling.

"Thank you, queen." Now he has become extremely respectful, Gu Xiangyun turned to Si Linyuan's location at this moment, his eyes could not conceal his excitement, "Your Majesty, now the Four Seas City has lost the Bihaizhu, it is our attack It's a good opportunity, if you send troops now, you will definitely be able to catch the Four Seas City by surprise and severely damage the Four Seas City!"

Obviously agreeing with Gu Xiangyun's words, the other ministers also nodded again and again, their eyes also filled with unconcealable excitement.

However, compared to the excitement of Gu Xiangyun and others, Si Linyuan's reaction was indifferent, "It's too early."

He never expected that Si Linyuan would say that, Minister Zuo also jumped out at this time, "Your Majesty, now is the best opportunity! As long as we can grasp this opportunity well, we will definitely hit the Universal City severely and give them a powerful blow." Look!"

"What I want is not just to severely damage the City of the Four Seas." There was a hint of coldness in the noble golden eyes, and a sly smile appeared on the corners of Si Linyuan's lips, "The City of the Four Seas is so Arrogant, if we can't kill them directly, then where will we face Shura City?"

"What does the king mean...?" After hearing Si Linyuan's words, everyone couldn't react, and looked at Si Linyuan in bewilderment.

"The meaning of Linyuan is very simple. Cutting the grass does not remove the root, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. Now attacking the Four Seas City can indeed injure them severely, but now is not their weakest time. If you want to attack, you must have full confidence. It has become a blockbuster, if you want to fight, you have to fight the Four Seas City without any power to fight back, if you want to fight, you have to completely subvert the Four Seas City, otherwise, it is better to stand still." At this moment, Ye Qianyue opened her mouth softly, slowly He put down the teacup in his hand and let it make a crisp sound.

"However, this news will spread out sooner or later. If the people in Phoenix City find out, what should we do if they start before us?" Gu Xiangyun looked at Ye Qianyue, expressing the doubts in his heart. Speak up.

"That's good, they are willing to fight between cranes and clams, so we just need to reap the benefits of fishing." As he said, Ye Qianyue's sharp eyes swept over everyone, "If you want to make a move, you must not leave it to your opponent Any leeway, this truth, you adults should also understand. Now that the Bihaizhu is in hand, the city of the four seas has not been consumed much. By then, we will destroy [-] enemies, but we will lose [-] ourselves. Isn’t it worth the loss? I can see that , Bi Haizhu is in hand, all the relatives and ministers are a little hot, why don't you calm down first, think about it carefully before speaking."

A soft sentence suddenly awakened the dreamer, and made Gu Xiangyun and others react.

That's right, just like what Ye Qianyue said, Bihaizhu just got it now, they are all uncontrollably hotheaded, they only think that they can't give up this great opportunity now, but they don't consider a deeper step!
Thinking of this, the eyes of everyone looking at Ye Qianyue were filled with astonishment!
(End of this chapter)

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