Chapter 696 Unconcealable Happiness

"Speaking of which, that princess is also a violent creature. This bead is more than just able to summon water, but the princess is completely unable to stimulate the power of the Bihai Bead. It is a waste to use this bead for her."

"The attribute is not inherent, but it can be activated?" This is the first time I have heard of such a miraculous thing, and Ye Qianyue's eyes are shining, and she is obviously very interested.

"It was originally impossible, but he is more powerful, and my mother is also very powerful, so I can still do it together with my mother." As he spoke, Hua Bao tilted his head and continued innocently and cutely, "But , This is not an innate attribute, but an acquired one. It needs spirit stones of the same attribute as energy storage space. Naturally, the more precious and powerful the spirit stone is, the more heaven-defying the force it will be. Mother, Don’t you happen to have a water-type spirit stone of the blue dragon species, it’s the best among spirit stones, and it’s most suitable for storage space.”

After hearing Huabao's words, Ye Qianyue naturally did not hesitate, and quickly took out the water-type spirit stone of the blue dragon species.

Looking at the water-type spirit stones of the blue dragon, Ye Qianyue couldn't help feeling a little excited, "Then can we start now?"

"Well, but it requires certain preparation procedures." As he spoke, Huabao showed a bright and lovely smile on his face, "Mother needs to take a good rest first, this is a big project, and it will take ten years in less than half a month." In about a day or so, the consumption is astonishingly large and there are many cases where you can't succeed once, so mother, you should be fully prepared, otherwise if you fail, then this cherished water-type spirit stone will be scrapped. This thing Although it is not as good as the Bihai Jewel Shell, it is also the best of the water-type spirit stones. It is also not easy to get such a spirit stone, so we should be safe and be fully prepared. .”

Knowing that what Hua Bao said made sense, Ye Qianyue smiled and nodded immediately, "Yes, then don't worry, the savings will outweigh the gains, and it won't be too late for us to start again in two days."

"Well, Hua Bao listens to mother's arrangements." Nodding with a smile, Hua Bao was very happy, and immediately pestered Ye Qianyue to water her in the scepter space coquettishly.

Today's Huabao has grown a lot, so the mysterious vines protruding from the surroundings naturally don't need to come out, and the huge pink flower bud has also cracked a small opening, and you can faintly see something transparent like a water polo in it, and It was filled with pink liquid, which made Ye Qianyue unable to see clearly what was in the liquid.

It is estimated that it is Huabao's body, Ye Qianyue thought that Huabao's body would be born soon, and she couldn't hide her joy in her heart.

Immediately watering the flower treasure, Ye Qianyue went to look at the ancient dragon's body.

The huge ancient dragon corpse is still like a hill, but fortunately, Ye Qianyue's scepter has enough space, otherwise, it really wouldn't be able to fit such a large corpse.

Now there is no time to study the corpse of the ancient dragon. Ye Qianyue thought, when the matter of the floating island is almost resolved, she can find a way to find some good treasures from the corpse of the ancient dragon. Useful.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue turned her eyes and went to chat with Hua Bao to relieve her boredom.

After a leisurely two days like this, Ye Qianyue's state returned to its peak, and immediately began to stimulate the water attribute.

(End of this chapter)

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