Chapter 697 is now
Sitting in the prepared inner room, in front of Ye Qianyue, there was a blazing phoenix soul fire dancing, and the blue light ball in the phoenix soul fire was the blue dragon spirit stone.

Unceasingly releasing scorching heat, the Phoenix Soul Fire methodically roasted the spirit stone, trying to roast the not-so-rich energy in it more purely.

Soon, some useless rising water vapor was baked out, and with it, the blue dragon in the spirit stone became more and more lifelike,
However, as the blue flood dragon became more and more realistic, fine and dense cracks appeared continuously on the surface of the spirit stone like cracks.

Sweat dripped from her forehead, Ye Qianyue stared at the gradually cracked spirit stone, and while frowning slightly, she gradually lowered the temperature of the Phoenix Soul Fire.

Soon, a layer of spider-like cracks appeared on the surface of the entire spirit stone. From a distance, it seemed that a light force of energy swept out at this moment, and could easily break it into pieces.

"Mother, it looks almost the same now." Looking at the spirit stone that was constantly tumbling in the flames, Hua Bao's smart eyes danced with a little light of joy, smiling at Ye Qianyue Said, "As long as the surface of this spirit stone is smashed, the rich energy of the water system will come out. Mother, you must take advantage of the timing and integrate the power of spirit into it, and then the spirit mark will appear on the surface of the spirit stone." This barrier becomes the foundation for you to mobilize the energy of the water system, mother."

"Well, I see." Hearing the words, Ye Qianyue nodded cautiously immediately.

This spirit stone is very fragile, she must not act recklessly, she must be careful in everything.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath, then gently raised her hand.

A touch of invisible thought force immediately condensed on the fingertips, and Ye Qianyue gently picked it up, and the energy swept out, and then with some strength, it knocked on the shattered surface of the spirit stone.

There was only a crisp sound, and then the surface of the spirit stone instantly turned into a ball of powder, disappearing into the blazing temperature of the Phoenix Soul Fire.

Immediately, the lifelike blue flood dragon exuded a burst of frightening energy. This thick energy even broke through the package of the Phoenix Soul Fire, instantly making the surrounding air moist, and even the walls were solidified. Thin and dense drops of water.

"Mother, it's now! Hurry up and mobilize the spiritual power in your body!" Seeing the timing, Hua Bao's face turned pale, and he said to Ye Qianyue without hesitation.

Under Huabao's reminder, Ye Qianyue naturally did not hesitate, a burst of terrifying spiritual power burst out all over her body, and the silver-white silk thread rushed towards the water system energy like a tide.

The moment the spiritual power pierced into the water energy, a burst of pure water energy instantly appeared in Ye Qianyue's body.

However, the appearance of this energy immediately attracted the attention of the other two attribute energies in Ye Qianyue's body.

As if completely insane, the energy of the fire element and the ten thousand flower element seemed to have seen a natural enemy. The two forces merged together and violently swept towards the trace of water energy.

The water energy seemed a little dazed at first, but when it sensed the other two energies, it immediately came to its senses, and without showing any weakness, it tried its best to oppose those two energies and bumped into it.

(End of this chapter)

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