Chapter 698 Mother, Don't Worry

If these three kinds of energies really run wild in one's body, then even a body made of iron can't stand such a toss!

"Huabao!" Knowing that it was time for Huabao to play, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes suddenly flashed a stern look.

"Mother, don't worry!" Hearing the words, Huabao's whole body suddenly burst into a thick pink light.

The heart-shattering vibrancy soon seeped out, and then the ray of light exploded like gorgeous fireworks, turning into countless pink spots of light, enveloping Ye Qianyue thoroughly. ,

The moment the vigorous energy permeated in, the energy of the myriad flowers that had been running amok suddenly became obedient, as if it had changed from a ferocious wolf to a well-behaved sheep, and no longer released any energy. of rage.

As for the energies of the fire and water elements, they were also separated and wrapped up by vigorous vitality at the moment when they were about to collide.

The gentle pink energy immediately seeped into the fire and water energy, and quickly suppressed the violent aura in the two groups of energy.

The three groups of energies with completely different attributes are so close to each other, but at this moment, they have no intention of harming each other at all, like a newborn baby, pure and moving.

And the three groups of energy quieted down, and Ye Qianyue's pale face looked much better.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qianyue did not panic, and continued to slowly integrate her spiritual power into the mass of water energy in front of her.

After incorporating a trace of spiritual power, a trace of water system energy will appear in Ye Qianyue's body, although the speed is extremely slow, but it continues in an orderly manner.

Knowing that the next thing was no longer urgent, Ye Qianyue breathed a sigh of relief, but also slowly closed her eyes.

The silver-white spiritual power slowly penetrated out, and then accompanied by Ye Qianyue's breathing, it quickly replaced the energy of the water system, allowing it to appear in Ye Qianyue's body one by one.

This kind of fusion is very time-consuming, and time flies, and five days have passed in a short time.

From the beginning to the end, she kept her eyes tightly closed, and Ye Qianyue was frozen in place like a stone sculpture, motionless.

And the energy of the water system in front of her has also shrunk a lot, now there is only a star and a half left, and it is still sucked into Ye Qianyue's body regularly.

And when the last trace of energy from the water system was absorbed, blue light burst from Ye Qianyue's body, and the clear water slowly rose up, lingering around Ye Qianyue, making her a little less arrogant than usual , adding a bit more feminine beauty unique to women.

There was also a group of core-like water energy tightly wrapped by spiritual power in the body, Ye Qianyue finally opened her eyes at this moment with a swipe.

In the dark and moving eyes, there seemed to be two groups of sea-blue waters churning incessantly, with a hint of majestic momentum, which made one dare not underestimate it.

But at this moment, the corners of Ye Qianyue's lips evoked a gorgeous smile. She raised her hand and let out a voice full of joy in her throat, "Water flow, go!"

Immediately, a stream of sea-blue water swirled in the air, then rushed out rapidly, and slammed hard on the wall of the secret room!
(End of this chapter)

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