Chapter 700

While talking, Hua Bao looked up and down Ye Qianyue very nervously, for fear that she was injured just now, "Mother, are you alright?"

"Of course it's fine. I'm just happy to have such a good baby!" Other than being completely drenched, Ye Qianyue had nothing wrong with her.

Happily kissing the Bihaizhu in her hand, Ye Qianyue's eyes lit up, and she happily said to Huabao, "Okay, let's go, there are still important things to do next!"

"En! Huabao listens to mother!" Looking at Ye Qianyue's smile, Huabao seemed to be infected by her, with the same smile on his face, he nodded happily, and then quickly followed Ye Qianyue left.

With a wave of her hand, Ye Qianyue easily dried the moisture on her body.

With a happy smile on her face, Ye Qianyue ran into Si Linyuan just a few steps away.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's happy face, Si Linyuan knew that Ye Qianyue must have succeeded.

Sincerely proud of Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan stretched out his hand, and directly embraced Ye Qianyue's slender and soft waist, "I knew you could do it."

"Trust me, there is always nothing wrong." There was also a beautiful smile on her face, and Ye Qianyue's dark eyes kept beating with cold light, "What's the situation in Sihai City?" How is it?"

"A secret agent came to report that although the people of the Four Seas City haven't noticed anything yet, the royal family of the Four Seas City has been blown up into a pot of porridge. Everyone seems to be crazy. They are looking for a man named Qianye."

"Then let them find it slowly, even if they turn the whole floating island upside down, they won't be able to realize that I'm the one who ran away after snatching the Bihaizhu." The corners of Yan Hong's lips tugged With a sly smile, Ye Qianyue was obviously also very happy, and now she nestled happily in Si Linyuan's arms, "Besides, paper can't contain fire after all, let the people of Sihai City know that Bihaizhu Things that are lost will definitely explode, and when that happens, life for the royal family of Universal City will be even more difficult."

"It won't be long before the city of the four seas will be in chaos." Si Linyuan said with a smile on his face, "I am now carefully training soldiers, and I plan to train them quickly in the near future. Forming a death-defying team will definitely become a powerful trump card for us once a battle is fought."

Knowing that the dead soldiers trained by Si Linyuan are very good, almost invincible, regarding this point, Ye Qianyue really can't help.

She is not omnipotent, not everything will be done.

For example, Ye Qianyue didn't know the way of being a king, so she couldn't help her in managing the country's major affairs.

Although she has assassinated people in her previous life, she has always been a loner. A person and a team are completely different concepts.

What the team needs is personal cooperation and mutual cooperation. Ye Qianyue doesn't understand this, but Si Linyuan understands it, so it might as well leave it all to Si Linyuan, and she should do what she is good at.

"Linyuan, I'm free now anyway, why don't you tell me about the Phoenix City." Gently raising her eyes, Ye Qianyue looked at Si Linyuan seriously and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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