Chapter 701
"I've been tired for so many days. I'll take you to dinner first. You are a great hero of our Asura City. I can't treat you badly. As for Phoenix City, if you want to know, I will take Phoenix I will tell you about the situation in the city." Knowing that after the Four Seas City, Ye Qianyue would definitely attack Phoenix City, so Si Linyuan was not surprised.

Also feeling that she was hungry, Ye Qianyue nodded, and obediently followed Si Linyuan to eat.

Obviously, it was ordered to be prepared a long time ago. The food in front of me is extremely exquisite, and the quantity is so large that it is dizzying.

Looking at your delicious meals, Ye Qianyue looked at Si Linyuan with a smile, "It really is His Majesty, this posture is really unusual."

"Asura City occupies the entire floating island at the right time and place, and is very rich. It is precisely because of this that Four Seas City and Phoenix City want to carve up Asura City." She gave Ye Qianyue a very caring Bu Cai, Si Linyuan said in a flat tone.

Seeing the emerald Wanliu silk that Guan Si Linyuan picked up a chopstick for herself, Ye Qianyue ate it without hesitation.

Refreshing without being too ordinary, it is really an extremely delicious taste.

"Sihai City is surrounded by deserts. With such a lack of water, I can understand that they are jealous of Shura City, but isn't there a forest called the Outer Forest around Phoenix City? There should be a lot of magical beasts and medicinal materials there. Yes, it can be said that it also occupies an excellent location, so why do you want to covet Shura City?"

Speaking of the forest, it is a rich land gifted by nature. Since there is such a good place, what is there to be dissatisfied with in Phoenix?
"Because of the 'curse' of Phoenix City." Looking at Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan quickly explained, "Phoenix City is indeed very rich, but people born and raised in Phoenix City are always weak and sick, and don't live long. Some live to forty or fifty before dying, and, because of their infirmity, few children are born each year."

I didn't expect such a problem to exist in Phoenix City. Ye Qianyue knew the seriousness of the problem in Phoenix City. "Children are the freshest blood in a city. It doesn't matter if there is less fresh blood. A normal person is four or fifty years old. Will die, the two together, in the long run, Phoenix City will surely perish!"

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue frowned vigorously, "If things go on like this, the Phoenix City will be wiped out within a hundred years, but the floating island has existed for such a long time, and the Phoenix City must have existed for more than a hundred years. How can there still be enough? power to fight us?"

"Because there is a family of alchemists handed down from generation to generation in Phoenix City. This family can refine potions that enhance physical fitness and enhance the chance of conception. As long as you take the potions on time every month, your life span can be extended to 70 years. Around the age of [-], although some people will die prematurely, it is much better than before. As for the potions to enhance conception, although there are a lot of them, which have greatly increased the population of Phoenix City, there is still a problem."

It was the first time I heard of the existence of such a magical potion, and Ye Qianyue immediately became interested, "What's the problem?"

"That is, nine out of ten children born using conception potions are girls. Even the royal family cannot be exempted. For example, the city lord of Phoenix City is a woman, and there are more than 20 princesses under her knees, but no prince. "

(End of this chapter)

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