Chapter 705 Not For Making Money
The breath is so vain that even laymen can tell that the person in front of him has no vitality at all, and death is only a matter of a few breaths.

Seeing this person's extremely pale face, and the gray-blue color faintly lingering between his brows, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes suddenly flashed a cold light.

"Genius doctor, can my brother be saved?" From Ye Qianyue's calm expression, the leading man couldn't see her emotions at the moment, so he could only ask nervously.

"As long as there is still one breath left, there is no patient that I cannot save." A faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Qianyue's lips, Ye Qianyue's cold and bright smile surrounded the audience, and everyone was stunned. What is uncontrollable is intoxicated by Ye Qianyue's smile.

After watching Ye Qianyue take out the phoenix fire needle with a little red glow, everyone came back to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream, and watched Ye Qianyue quickly drop a few needles.

Quickly and accurately piercing the man's acupuncture point, Ye Qianyue watched the man let out a sharp breath, but couldn't breathe out, instead holding his face livid.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue lowered her sleeves slightly, and a burst of pink energy condensed on her palm, and then was slapped hard on the man's chest.

The energy of the myriad flowers that contained vigorous vitality penetrated into the man's body in an instant, causing the man's chest to heave violently, and then let out a hard breath.

"Cough, cough, cough...!" With a violent cough, the man was stimulated to open his eyes, and then he coughed violently under the watchful eyes of everyone, and started breathing crazily.

"Ahem, what's the matter with me?" After a few breaths, the paleness on the man's face receded, and even the gray-blue color around his eyebrows quickly dissipated.

"Brother! You are awake!" The few people who brought the man over wept with joy, then knelt down on the ground in unison, and kowtowed vigorously to Ye Qianyue, "Thank you, the genius doctor! Tuo is alive!",

"It's just a little effort, you're welcome." Knowing where the problems of these people in Phoenix City are, Ye Qianyue can naturally solve these problems easily.

With a very indifferent expression on her face, Ye Qianyue rejected the consultation fees offered by those people, "I set up a stall here not to make money."

Seeing that Ye Qianyue's medical skills are so high, even people who have passed through the gate of hell can be dragged back abruptly, but they still don't charge any consultation fees. For a while, everyone admired her immensely, and everyone respected her Thumbs up.

Originally, she wanted to go back to her place and continue to set up a stall, but at this moment, Ye Qianyue suddenly realized that those people who had been watching her secretly had finally moved...

A smile suddenly appeared in the dark eyes, but Ye Qianyue's face was in a daze, until she was surrounded by gorgeously dressed masters, she finally came back to her senses, "What's the matter, everyone?"

"Genius doctor, the young master of our family is seriously ill, please ask the genius doctor to come and take a look with us, our master will definitely thank you!" The man in the head looked extremely fierce, his breath was even more vigorous, and he must have extraordinary strength of.

These masters were all wearing crimson purple outfits, and there was a bottle of medicine-like emblem drawn on their chests.

(End of this chapter)

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