Chapter 706 I have a clue

"Look! They are people who don't break their homes!" Someone recognized the identities of those men at that moment, and there was a bit of amazement and disbelief in their words.

"It's true, except for those who don't break the family, no one in our entire Phoenix City would dare to wear this kind of purple clothes, and you can see the Taoist emblem on their chests, but they don't want to break the family!"

"It's even said that the only young master of the Unbreakable family is weak and sick. I guess he came to see a divine doctor for treatment this time!"


Hearing the discussions from the audience, Ye Qianyue had a calm expression on her face, "Is your young master's situation fatal?"

I didn't expect Ye Qianyue to ask such a question suddenly. The fierce man in the lead was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head with a look of astonishment on his face, "No, our young master hasn't reached that point yet, it's just..."

"Any fatal injury, you have to line up obediently. This is my rule, and everyone must abide by it." There was no sign of waiting for a long time, and Ye Qianyue's face was indifferent.

In fact, Ye Qianyue would set up a stall for free clinics, all in order to show off her medical skills, and then attract people from the only family of refining medicine in Phoenix City, who did not break the family.

But Ye Qianyue also knows that the patriarch of the Bupo family, that is, the old man who has lived for more than 100 years, is a very suspicious person. If she agrees so hastily, it seems to be premeditated for a long time. It is better to pretend to be stupid She was stunned and pretended to be completely ignorant of Bupojia's strength, but she was able to make the old man alchemist trust her.

"Genius doctor, our Patriarch said that the situation is urgent. As long as the genius doctor is willing to go, our family will definitely meet all the requirements of the genius doctor." The leading man said hastily.

"I'm a free clinic, I don't charge fees, and I'm not interested in fame and fortune." Unmoved, Ye Qianyue returned to her original position and continued to take the pulse of others.

Ye Qianyue was not moved by money, fame and fortune, and looked at the audience with admiration, but at the same time made it difficult for those who did not break their homes.

"Then please wait a moment for the genius doctor, I have to go back and tell our Patriarch..." Ye Qianyue didn't expect that Ye Qianyue would not accept their tricks at all, and the leading man said with an ugly expression.

"It's best to line up before leaving, otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be your turn before today's first talk." After saying this calmly, Ye Qianyue didn't even raise her head.

Hearing this, the leading man's face was very ugly, but he still listened to Ye Qianyue's words, left one person to line up, and then left in a hurry.

"Genius doctor, people who don't break their homes are not easy to mess with, you..." Seeing that Ye Qianyue drove away those people who didn't break their homes just like that, some kind-hearted people in the crowd reminded Ye Qianyue, " Bu Po Shen, the Patriarch of the Bu Po family, is our Phoenix City's inheritance pharmacist, and the family is powerful, so we can't afford to mess with it!"

"Don't worry, I know what's in my heart." After saying this lightly, Ye Qianyue's face was still calm.

Bu Poshen has always cared about his only son, if it was an ordinary intractable disease, he would have cured his son long ago, but this time it is obviously not so simple, otherwise, those people just now would not have needed to treat her so Be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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